Is there some specific project implementation which requires the use of MS-SQL
server or Oracle? More importantly, is the additional cost per processor
reflective of its increased flexibility and power vs. something like MySQL or
PostgreSQL? Just watching the debate of over $900-$2000 per cpu licensee is
quite expensive. If someone has the technical skills to develop the app, why
not use something more cost effective?
Rob Neary wrote:
> The main difference between the "standard" license and the Per-Processor
> license is that *ALL* clients who access a Standard licensed server must
> have a separately purchased CAL (client access license).
> The problem, with something like our web directory, is that there is no way
> to count or track the anonymous access, so you *MUST* purchase per-processor
> licensing... I've been to two Microsoft Licensing events in Southfield over
> the last few months, and been over this (and some other licensing issues).
> If anyone needs contact info for the Microsoft rep.s I've been working with
> for licensing questions, just send me an email...
> Thanks - Rob
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mel Micke [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> > Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 10:06 PM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Web-Database engine combinations and pricing