We assign a three character alpha dept code plus a unique
three-digit number to every computer at the moment we receive it.
That six-character identifier then becomes the computer/host name
for the computer. We use it to track inventory, location of
equipment, IP address assignment, etc. We have an (internally
available) "map" on a web page which shows us the location of every
computer along with other vital info about the computer. The map is
a floor-plan layout of our facilities... which helps us quickly
visualize exactly where a particular piece of equipment is. That
can be a real time-saver when a piece of equip misbehaves :)
John Valenti wrote:
> I was just wondering if anybody has come up with a good scheme to
> name computers?
> Naming them after the "owner" doesn't work out too well - that
> changes too often.
> Naming them after the location also doesn't work too well - too
> much moving.
> Any suggestions?
> -jav
> * John Valenti Systems Analyst, Labor & Industrial Relations *
> * 408 S Kedzie Hall, Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI
> 48824 *
> * (517) 353-1807 fax (517) 355-7656 [log in to unmask] *