Today, I attended Lansing's first (in my memory) Information Technology
Event where over 50 IT vendors came together to show their products to
potential customers and give presentations. It was definitely
worthwhile to go to this FREE event at the Lansing Center. Many of the
presentations are repeated on Thursday, December 6th, and you can still
print a FREE Web Registration Pass at:
The event schedule is at:
Even if you aren't planning any IT purchases in the near future, you can
still get some ideas and talk to some knowledgeable people on the
showroom floor. At one of the booths, I ran into a former MSU student
who worked for me, Tony Kaczmarek, who is now President of Kors
Engineering! His company sells a PDA & Bar Code Reader system that does
a combination of (computer) asset management and (computer) project
accounting. I wonder where he got that idea from???
Maggie Wilke
Department of Physics and Astronomy
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