Hi all, I just wanted to circulate this information in case you need any
part time computer support help starting next semester. A faculty member's
son is interested in part-time work in the area of computers, programming,
systems support, etc. He is a senior at Okemos High School and is
interested in pursuing computer science or computer engineering in college.
He has been accepted into (pre)-engineering at MSU next year, and is
awaiting word from other schools. He is currently taking AP computer
science at OHS and took a course in C++ programming last year, for which he
received an "A" grade. He would be available to work in the afternoon
starting in January, pretty well any day of the week. He could commit to 10
- 20 hours a week. He would be interested in just about any kind of
computer-related work: helping to set up hardware, network support, help
with programming tasks, etc.
If any of you are interested please contact: Mike Jones, dept. of fisheries
and wildlife, [log in to unmask]
Thanks for your time!
Sarah Cline
PC Tech Support
Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, MSU
(517) 432-4078 fax (517) 432-1699