Just as a reminder to all, we'll be having our first NAG meeting since
Stephen left this Friday:
October MSU NAG meeting
Friday, October 19 12:00p - 2:00p
Physics and Astronomy Building, room 224 (main conference room)
There will be light food, drinks & desert items so no one should have to
starve missing their lunch hour for the NAG meeting ;) The basic agenda is
as follows:
- Introductions and discussion of NAG future meetings/directions
- Campus Root Active Directory project update (AIS & CL)
- Discussion of IIS security issues raised by recent IIS worms (Joe Budzyn
and Rob Neary)
- Campus networking update (Doug Nelson)
- NCC meeting update - System Admin guidelines and more (George Perkins)
- Loss prevention - example of how good inventory practices can help you
recover stolen hardware
Rob Neary
Desktop Support Coordinator & Windows Administration, MCSE
Department of Physics and Astronomy
125 Physics/Astronomy Building
EMail: [log in to unmask] Office: x32986