

We are excited to announce that we are recruiting for a collaborative multi-institution NSF-funded in-person postdoc position in STEM education research at Chapman University. The postdoc would join a vibrant community of DBER scholars here, and work on a project examining student and instructor experiences in STEM course office hours, with the goal of developing interventions for improving student engagement in office hours. A background in qualitative and/or quantitative research methods, with experience in designing, implementing, and analyzing surveys and focus groups, would be valuable for this role.

While the focus will be on biology courses, we encourage applications from anyone who has familiarity and expertise in STEM disciplines. The position can begin as early as January 2025, though we encourage applications even if you are defending this spring as well. We offer a competitive salary ($70,000) and the chance to work with a team of researchers and instructors across several universities (Chapman, UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, Santa Barbara City College).

Review will begin on November 1, 2024. You can see more information and apply here<;!!HXCxUKc!yJWI8WT9YcxAOA4fONi9O7PFW30Qb2YWuZUxRj_OVlQOjV3CtvKl5WfSu95Nk32anBzUBn0MorME$>. If you have any questions please email Jeremy Hsu [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.