[Seoul city skyline with AIB2024 logo overlaid]<https://www.aib.world/events/2024/?utm_source=AIB+Members&utm_campaign=5b0623d8b1-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_06_04_07_16_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_51d7bf593e-5b0623d8b1-> Research Methods Workshops and Masterclasses<https://www.aib.world/events/2024/preconference/research-methods-workshops-and-masterclasses/?utm_source=AIB+Members&utm_campaign=5b0623d8b1-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_06_04_07_16_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_51d7bf593e-5b0623d8b1-> Registration Deadline: 1 May 2024 Event Date: 2 July 2024 Point of Contact: Marianna Marra, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> REGISTER NOW (AIB MEMBERS ONLY)<https://member.aib.world/forms/2024RMSIG_Preconf_Registration.asp?utm_source=AIB+Members&utm_campaign=5b0623d8b1-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_06_04_07_16_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_51d7bf593e-5b0623d8b1-> WORKSHOPS So, You Want to Conduct an Experience-Sampling Study: An In-Depth Discussion of Conceptual, Operational, & Logistical Issues Workshop Lead: Joel Koopman (Texas A&M University) Time and Date: 2 July 2024, 9am-12pm KST Experience sampling (ESM) is a well-known and widely used study design aimed primarily at examining within-individual covariation of transient phenomena utilizing repeated measures. ESM studies are increasingly popular among researchers, however there are a number of important considerations and nuances associated with these method. While many papers have been published and talks given on advanced issues pertaining to ESM studies, what remains largely undiscussed are some of the basic operational and tactical decisions that must be made when designing and running an ESM study. Thus, the purpose of this talk is to walk through some of the basics of these studies and demystify the processes in service of helping scholars to collect data that captures their focal phenomenon with a high degree of accuracy and validity. Conducting Mixed-Methods Research in IB: Potential and Pitfalls Workshop Lead: Niina Nummela (Turku School of Economics) Time and Date: 2 July 2024, 9am-12pm KST In this workshop, we cover the foundations of mixed-methods research in International Business. After the workshop, the participants will get an overview of mixed-method research strategy, from the philosophical underpinnings to practical applications. At the workshop, participants will learn about best practices of conducting mixed-method research and have an improved understanding whether this strategy would be purposeful in their own research. We will also discuss the challenges related to publishing and reviewing such research. The workshop will close with a session in which the participants can pose questions and reflect on their learning. MASTERCLASSES AI, GPT4, Measurement and the Epistemology of Research Masterclass Lead: Andrew Delios (National University of Singapore) Time and Date: 2 July 2024, 1:30pm-4:30pm The science of social science develops and improves over time. But how much of social science is science, in the strictest sense of the definition of science? This question is not a new one, but it is an important one for understanding what skills we need to develop as social scientists involved in research on organizations. Its importance extends from the practices we adopt and the practices that we focus on improving, in order to progress the rigor of our methodologies and the consequent level of confidence we have in empirical results. Our session will oscillate between big picture epistemological issues and specific examples that consider techniques related to improving measurement, alternatives to the solo-hero researcher model, and the incorporation of large language models such as GPT4, Claude 2 and Bard into our research processes. Qualitative Research in Emerging Markets Masterclass Lead: Tian Wei (Fudan University) Time and Date: 2 July 2024, 1:30pm-4:30pm The importance of theory building makes qualitative research undeniable in today’s rich, open and complex international environment. Recently, an explosion of new international business phenomena in emerging markets increases the pressure of building theories and provides attractive research sites for qualitative scholars. Yet, existing literature on the trustworthiness of qualitative methods in international business follow western methodological convention, which originates from developed economies and is not easy to capture contextual richness of emerging markets. This masterclass targets early career scholars and PhD students. It firstly reviews two traditional philosophical paradigms of qualitative research: qualitative positivism, and naturalist paradigm. After that, it explores the context of emerging markets and identifies action risks in establishing trustworthiness of qualitative methods in emerging markets. Finally, after discussions and brainstorming, it suggests approaches and procedures on contextualization and theorization in overcoming action risks. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] --- You must be an active AIB member to post to AIB-L . AIB-L has a moderator which checks messages for basic relevance. However, AIB does not edit or screen messages for accuracy or reliability of content. All subscribers are recommended to perform their own due-diligence before responding to any requests or calls. AIB accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.