Dear AIB Members,

if your research has linkages to international entrepreneurship, here is the reminder about the forthcoming 28th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference:

Call for Papers: The 28th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference

August 15-17, 2024, Lappeenranta, Finland

The main theme of the conference is “International entrepreneurship in a world driven by digitalization and sustainability.” In the spirit of previous successful McGill IE Conference editions, this conference promises to be an exceptional gathering of leading academics, practitioners, and policymakers interested in the dynamic fields of international entrepreneurship, sustainability, digitalization, and the growth of SMEs. Our special keynote speaker is Peter Buckley (so be prepared to hear his take on international entrepreneurship), and other keynote speakers include, for example, Niina Nummela, John Cadogan, Leo-Paula Dana and Rudolf Sinkovics (there are more to come).

For more information, see the conference website  or please contact: [log in to unmask]

Note: There will be methodology workshops, and the IE-scholars’ doctoral colloquium on August 14-15 for doctoral students wishing to present and discuss their proposals in a friendly and supportive environment.


The conference’s main theme is “International entrepreneurship in a world driven by digitalization and sustainability”. Early internationalizing firms, whether born globals or international new ventures, have been a research topic for several decades. Over the years, the extant research has covered several antecedents and factors, such as global mindset, previous experience, and unique resources and capabilities, leading to small companies' early internationalization. Technology and innovation in transportation and communication technologies have naturally enabled this increase in international involvement. While acknowledging this, we believe that several trends will shape the future of international entrepreneurs. New technological advancements, e.g., digitalization in different forms such as AI, blockchain, renewable energy transitions, and sustainability megatrends, can offer early internationalizing firms and international small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) new opportunities and ways to operate internationally and organize their operations in entrepreneurial ecosystems.

We invite papers covering all types of factors which can be linked to international entrepreneurship, but would especially invite papers that can be linked to the trends identified above currently shaping international entrepreneurship. 

Specifically, as it relates to digitalization and sustainability, we would be keen to receive papers with topics related (but not limited) to the following:

Theme 1. Sustainability and International Entrepreneurship

Theme 2. Digital Transition and International Entrepreneurship

Theme 3. Methodological Developments in International Entrepreneurship

Theme 4. Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and International Entrepreneurship

Theme 5. Other specific topics in International Entrepreneurship

We will cooperate with selected journals for some of the topics mentioned above, aiming for special issues. We aim to run special sessions in entrepreneurial ecosystems, sustainability, entry modes and market selection of digitalized early internationalizing firms. Committed journals thus far are Critical Perspectives on International Business, Journal of International Entrepreneurship and International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.


Note: all submissions should be in PDF format and submitted through the ConfTool submission system (no email submissions) by the deadlines.

The submission deadline for Initial Proposals/Extended Abstracts of a maximum of 800 words (including references) is May 14th, 2024.

Completed Papers, manuscripts, working papers, or a detailed synopsis of your research (6000 to 8000 words) may be submitted by the June 17th, 2024.

The submission deadline for the IE-Scholars’ doctorial colloquium in the format of a synopsis of your doctoral research (up to 8000 words) is also the 17th of June 2024.

Doctoral colloquium and methodology workshop dates: 14th - 15th of August 2024

Main conference dates: 15th - 17th of August 2024

Welcome to the McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference to Lappeenranta in August 15-17, 2024!

Conference chairs, Olli Kuivalainen & Maria Uzhegova, and other conference organizing team members at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, LUT, including, for example, Sami Saarenketo, Rudolf Sinkovics, John Cadogan, Leo Paul Dana, Tanja Leppäaho, Kaisu Puumalainen, Lasse Torkkeli, Heini Vanninen, Hannes Velt and Anna Vuorio




Olli Kuivalainen

Professor, International Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Academic director, MSc in International Marketing Management

Associate Editor, International Marketing Review (IMR)

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology)

Business School

Email: [log in to unmask]

Phone: +358 40 358 7020


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