

From: Trey Mcclinton <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 10:12 AM
To: Hayes, Daniel <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Seasonal Position

Hey Dan,

My project is hiring a 6-month seasonal technician. Would you please forward this posting to any potential candidates?

It would be great stepping stone position for someone who just graduated (or is willing to take a semester off) and is looking towards a career as an agency biologist. The technician would spend the majority of their time at the Justin Hurst WMA, assisting with all aspects of property operation.

Folks should feel free to reach out with any questions. The position closes Thursday, April 4th.

Hope all is well and talk soon!

Trey McClinton
Wildlife Biologist - Justin Hurst WMA
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Central Coast Wetland Ecosystem Project

Cell: 979-533-9610
Office: 979-233-8729