Campus and community members are invited to this viewing of Pave the Way: They Even Took the Dirt,  a documentary about the African American, Syrian, and Lebanese neighborhoods that were raised to make way for I-496. 

March 7, 7pm at Snyder-Phillips Theater
A campus map is linked, and parking will be free after 6pm.

SAFS capstone students are creating digital materials about the rich community food system entities that pre-existed this disturbance - you are welcome to join us tomorrow in learning a bit more about the history of the MSU metro area. 

Pave the way Finish(4).jpeg

Campus map showing S


Julie Cotton, M.S.
Academic Specialist, 
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems
1066 Bogue St, Room A264 - office
Plant and Soil Sciences Building

517-488-7841 m

more information:

Please allow up to a business day for email responses - urgent issues can be sent via text.