About ANC:

Allen Neighborhood Center is a place-based, non-profit organization that serves as a hub for neighborhood revitalization and for activities that promote the health and well-being of Lansing’s Eastside community.  Since 1999, ANC has pioneered programs in health education and outreach, housing improvement, food security and nutrition education, youth development, commercial corridor revitalization, and social capital building. We do all of this with the generous support of the engaged and unique Eastside community.  Our neighborhood is richly diverse, home to people of all different cultures, incomes, religions, professions, races and ethnicities, and nativity statuses. 

Different Fellowship Opportunities:

Hunter Park GardenHouse Fellowships

The GardenHouse serves as a demonstration site and hub for year-round garden education. Neighbors volunteer to grow food, flowers, and community; and youth develop job and life skills in service to the neighborhood. These fellows will help the GardenHouse by serving as a shift leader, supporting social media work, and work on special projects involving the community. We have three different positions this summer:

Hunter Park GardenHouse Community Resource Fellow- The Hunter Park GardenHouse Community Resources Fellow will support program staff in providing neighborhood resources and education, including community garden signage, recipes, produce donations, and community potlucks and other events.

Hunter Park GardenHouse Farm Apprentice- The Hunter Park GardenHouse Farm Apprentice will support the operations of our 1-acre community farm, garden, & orchard. This person will have the opportunity to learn small-scale urban vegetable farming skills in a hands-on, applied manner.

Hunter Park GardenHouse Environmental Stewardship Fellow- The Environmental Stewardship Fellow will focus primarily on urban ecological restoration projects under the HPGH, particularly the free native seed library and wildflower demonstration garden.

Veggie Box Community Supported Agriculture Fellow

This opportunity is rooted in a multi-farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program in which hundreds of members receive a subscription of local food.  As a result, hundreds of thousands of dollars go back to our local economy, our neighbors have access to fresh, nutritionally dense foods, and our local food system is more sustainable.  Fellows will assist in the development and promotion of Veggie Box, manage relationships with local farmers and Veggie Box members, send invoices and track payments, document program efficacy through surveys and evaluations, and coordinate the receiving, packing, inventory, and management of produce.  

Breadbasket Food Pantry and Farmers Market Fellowship

ANC is offering a fellowship to those interested in food pantry and farmers market management, marketing, communications, community development and/or financials/bookkeeping. The goal of this fellowship is to engage with our community more, growing participation on social media platforms, growing attendance throughout the season, and obtaining more sponsorship dollars to produce more opportunities for our neighbors.

Youth Programs Fellowship

Allen Neighborhood Center youth programs are free, offer job and life skills experience, and provide gardening and nutrition education. Take Root Garden Club (ages 5-10) is held Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00am-12:00pm; and the Youth Service Corps (ages 11-17) meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:00am-12:00pm during the summertime.

Any questions? Please let me know! 

All the best,

Ethan Schmitt (he/him)

Volunteer & Communications Manager

o. (517) 999-3919