

AIB UK&I - Pavlos Dimitratos Doctoral Dissertation Award 

Deadline:  8 February 2024


Have you recently completed your PhD?

Would you like your work to be recognised by fellow IB scholars?


The AIB UK & Ireland chapter is pleased to announce that submissions for its Doctoral Dissertation Award renamed in honour of its past president Late Professor Pavlos Dimitratos is now open. 

Pavlos Dimitratos Doctoral Dissertation Award, earlier known as Adam Smith Doctoral Dissertation Award, recognises doctoral research that has made significant contribution to the field of International Business. 

The winner will receive a certificate and a cash prize of £350, sponsored by the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow.

A group of people in a room

Description automatically generatedEligibility 

The award is open to all candidates who have obtained their doctoral degrees from a UK or Ireland based institution or candidates who have participated in any doctoral colloquium organised by the AIB UK&I chapter in the past. However, candidates must have successfully graduated within the last two academic years, i.e. after 31st August 2021.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to make presentations at the 50th AIB UK&I annual conference to be hosted by AstonUniversity, from 4th to 6th April 2024.

Submission Instructions

The application pack should include: 

1.       A letter of recommendation from the candidate’s supervisor. The letter should clearly state: a) the name of school awarding doctoral degree; b) the date of graduation; and c) the year in which the candidate participated in the doctoral colloquium organised by the AIB UK&I chapter (if applicable).


2.       An extended abstract, not exceeding 1,250 words (excluding references) of the successfully defended thesis or dissertation. The abstract should describe the objective of doctoral research, theoretical foundation, methodological rigour, findings, limitations, practical implications, and last but not the least contributions to the field of International Business. The title page of abstract should include current affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number and five keywords. 


Abstract and the letter of recommendation signed by the supervisor merged in one document should be uploaded electronically on the conftool by 8th February 2024. 

Please visit the conference website for details Conference - AIB-UKI (Academy of International Business UK and Ireland Chapter) (

Submissions made to other competitions are eligible to apply. 

For any additional queries please do not hesitate to contact the convenor of doctoral colloquium by emailing at [log in to unmask].



Dr. Irina Surdu, Ph.D. 
Reader of International Business Strategy, Warwick Business School

Co-Editor-in-Chief of Multinational Business Review

AIB UK&I Doctoral Colloquium Convener



University of Warwick, Scarman Rd, Coventry CV4 7AL

Programme Director MSc Marketing & Strategy (MSMS) #1 globally for thought leadership

E-mail: [log in to unmask]




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