The Agroecology Program in the Department of Earth and Environment at Florida International University (FIU) is seeking qualified applicants for a graduate research assistantship (PhD level) in the Precision Agriculture and Conservation. The overarching goal of the USDA-HSI funded research is to study and evaluate climate smart agriculture practices of cover crops, on soil health and plant growth management in agriculture systems. The research will involve conducting field experiments in the FIU organic garden and in several urban vegetable and fruit farmers’ fields in the region to adopt climate smart soil and crop management, utilization of various soil and crop sensors, soil analysis and geospatial tools such as FTIR-MIR analyzer and a multispectral drone. The screening of the applications will begin immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are selected. The applicants must have B.S. and/or M.S. degrees in soil science, agronomy, environmental science, ecology, microbiology, biology, earth science or closely related fields with demonstrated experience in geospatial and soil-associated research involving field and/or laboratory components. Applicants should also possess excellent academic performance record, and strong oral and written communication skills. Preference will be given to applicants with a strong interest in one or more of the following: conducting field-based research, designing and executing laboratory experiments, and presenting and publishing research findings. Proficiency with analytical instrumentations (e.g. ICP analysis, carbon and nitrogen elemental analyzer, XRF analyzer), geospatial skills (e.g. Arc GIS, ERDAS, ENVI,), flying drone, lab management and mentoring undergraduate students are desirable. Prior publication record is also a criterion for selecting the student for the Ph.D. position. The successful applicants will receive a tuition waiver, annual stipend typical of the department and health insurance. These positions require travel to research fields and a valid driver license. Successful candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to research, excellent work ethic, and ability to work independently as well as collaboratively. The final admission will be based on the requirements of the Graduate Admissions Office at FIU. The position will be filled in Fall, 2024 or earlier. The applicants should be US Citizens or Permanent Residents. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Maruthi Sridhar Balaji Bhaskar, Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environment, FIU (email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> , phone: 305-348-3471). Enclose your current CV, unofficial copies of transcripts, GRE and TOEFL scores (if applicable), and contact information for three references and submit by Dec 31, 2023. The position will remain open until qualified candidates are identified and selected. Maruthi Sridhar Balaji Bhaskar Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director Department of Earth and Environment, AHC-5, Room 394 Florida International University 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199 (305) 348-3471 (Office) Julie Cotton, M.S. Academic Specialist, Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems 1066 Bogue St, Room A264 - office Plant and Soil Sciences Building [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 517-488-7841 m more information:<> advising: Please allow up to a business day for email responses - urgent issues can be sent via text.