

When:  Oct 28, 2023 from 08:30 to 15:30 (ET)

Is India becoming a startup nation, like the US and China? Find out at our summit on India - The Next Startup Nation?<> featuring:

     *   Founders of Indian unicorns such as PayTM and Snapdeal
     *   Founders of a space exploration startup (India's Space X) and a for-profit healthcare startup that provides CAT scans to millions for $15 apiece
     *   Leaders of Indian VC, crowdfunding, and impact investment firms, and policymakers from Govt. of India, Gates Foundation, etc.
Watch Summit Livestream on FB<> or REGISTER HERE<> for Zoom link. Watch archive of individual sessions after Nov 1st on CEM's Youtube Playlist<>
[Center for Emerging Markets, Northeastern U, Summit on]

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