Does this sound like you or someone you know?
University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources has an open position for a tenure-track position. If you (or someone you know) is as passionate about teaching energy, climate change,
and sustainability as we are at KEEP – Wisconsin’s K-12 Energy Education Program, then you should
read the position description and apply!
The Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management discipline in the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Natural Resources (CNR) is seeking an environmental social scientist for a tenure track
position focused on climate issues, with an emphasis on state and/or local policies that support rural and urban communities. The primary teaching responsibilities for this position will be courses on sustainable communities, energy policy, and climate change.
Link to Position Announcement & Position Description:
Shine On
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Samara Hamzé
Energy Educator,
Program Manager
WI K-12 Energy Education Program (click
to learn more)
Located on the campus of UW-Stevens Point
715-340-8863 (work cell)
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