

The Association for Business Simulations and Experiential Learning (ABSEL), invites submissions for their 51st Annual conference to be held 

March 14-16, 2024 at Drury Plaza Hotel, Orlando, FL.

Conference Chair: 

Clive Kerridge
Aston University, UK
[log in to unmask] 

Conference Theme
“Experiential Education at a Crossroads”
Submission Due Date: October 23, 2023

Conference Tracks 
(peer reviewed and published)
Simulations: Manuscripts in this track focus on the development and creation of business simulations and games, and their use in the classroom.  
Track Chair:  Celeste Grimard, [log in to unmask]  

Experiential: This track accepts papers that focus on theory building, development, application, and assessment associated with any form of experiential learning activities.  
Track Chair:  Annette L. Halpin, [log in to unmask]  

Innovations and Future Directions in Education: This track focuses on research addressing developments in education that reflect emerging educational and/or technological innovations and their use to enhance learning experiences. 
Track Chair:  James Cannon, [log in to unmask] 

Additional Sessions 
(non published)
Games Ready to Play: 
This session allows conference attendees to participate in games that can be either played to completion or played for at least a single round within a time frame of 1–1.5 hours. Please send a one page proposal of your game to the Session Chair for review.
Session Chair: Roy Hamada, [log in to unmask]

Professional Development Workshop: 
The ABSEL Pre-conference Workshop aims to support the professional development of our members and educators at large in their work with learners by providing hands-on experiential exercises to help enhance their effectiveness. Sessions are typically 1-2 hours long.
Workshop Chair: Jennifer Petrie Wyman, [log in to unmask]  

Please visit for the detailed call for papers.

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