Dear AIB Colleagues:
The X-Culture Research Interest Group (XRIG) is organizing two webinars that might be of interest to the larger IB community.
Take a closer look at the second webinar in particular.
X-Culture is collecting immense amounts of data (over 3,000 variables, multi-level, multi-source, multi-method), and the data are available to external researchers, too.
If you need data for your IB/HR/OB/I-O Psych research, we may be able to help – learn more by joining the webinar.
1. Meet the Editors
Friday, Sep 29, 2023
10:00 AM EST (New York time zone)
Speakers: X-Culture colleagues who serve as editors of various IB journals
* Jennifer Leigh and Melanie Robinson: Co-Editors, Journal of Management Education
* Nicole Franziska Richter and Sven Horak- Editor in Chief and Outreach Editor, European Journal of International Management
* Gordon Schmidt - Co-Editor, Management Teaching Review
* Vas Taras - Associate Editor - Journal of International Management, International Journal of HRM, Cross-Cultural Strategic Management, European Journal of International Management
2. Doing Research with X-Culture Data
Friday, October 6, 2023
10 AM EST (New York time zone)
* What kind of data X-Culture collects
* Research already completed/published based on X-Culture data
* Ongoing research projects
* Promising venues for future research based on X-Culture data
* How to request the data
* Research collaboration opportunities around the X-Culture project
Most sincerely,
Vas Taras, P.D.
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Management
Vice President Administration, Academy of International Business
X-Culture Project Founder and Coordinator
Bryan School of Business and Economics
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
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