Dear AIB-L Friends,
We regularly read questions about which are methodological best practices and which are not. I am delighted to inform you of the upcoming publication of the book “Research Methodology: Best Practices for Rigorous, Credible, and Impactful Research.” This is a book on methodological best practices, and the targeted audiences are undergraduate students, graduate students (master’s and doctoral), junior as well as seasoned researchers (including journal reviewers and editors), and consumers of research (other researchers, organizational leaders). You can pre-order a complimentary examination copy at (if you are an instructor).
Most researchers are methods users as we conduct our own research and methods consumers as we read the research produced by others rather than methodologists. So, the book presents material and best practices through “how-to” and “dos and don’ts” guidelines, figures, hands-on exercises, and “methods in practice” boxes that summarize and apply best practices. This book takes a 360-degree view of understanding and doing research, helping readers become expert researchers, reviewers, and consumers of research. It distills the vast body of work on methodological best practices into a singular experience. Each of the 16 chapters thoroughly explains a different aspect of methodology step by step, from choosing useful and compelling research topics to reporting results accurately and credibly. Researchers at all career stages will find this text helpful to structure and conduct high-impact empirical research aimed at producing a thesis, dissertation, and journal publication, and research consumers to evaluate the rigor and credibility of research conducted by others. Instructors will find the book’s modular approach refreshing by assigning students the most relevant topics—from just a checklist of best practices to an in-depth treatment of a topic. The book includes several pedagogical features that you will appreciate: (a) “Methods in Practice” boxes and (b) “Example” boxes that offer an opportunity for hands-on engagement with the material. Also, the glossary includes a definition of more than 600 terms.
I hope this book will be helpful to you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out directly if you have any questions.
All the best,
Herman Aguinis, Ph.D.
Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Management
The George Washington University School of Business
Washington, DC
Chapter Titles: