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C Jayachandran

[log in to unmask]" alt="Attachments">Wed, Sep 6, 11:30 AM (6 days ago)

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to me

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Please distribute the announcement for Call for Papers (CfP). Thanks.  



Call for Papers


Academy of Global Business Research & Practice (AGBRP)


Presents its 18th Conference, Singapore, January 4-6, 2024 


"Leading Sustainability Transitions: Risk, Collaboration and Technology"  


Principal Sponsor: Newcastle Institute of Higher Education (Singapore)/University of Newcastle, Australia 


1. Practitioner track

2. Business strategy and sustainability

3. Operations, Supply Chains & Logistics

4. Innovative management & technological changes

5. Entrepreneurship

6. Talent, skills & the world of work

7. Information management & productivity

8. International business, regional development & geopolitics

9. Finance & Accounting

10. Marketing & Sales

11. Sector-specific management 

      Higher Education- SDGs-Community Engagement; Food Security; Healthcare; 

      Social Enterprise; Arts, Entertainment & Media; Sports & Event Management 

12. Local track: With a Specific Focus on Singapore 


For more details: Please visit the CfP attached.


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