To apply, please complete this short application form. We will start reviewing applications on August 11, 2023 and make final notifications about selections by August 25th. We invite applications from faculty and program directors teaching and guiding field courses in biology and geoscience disciplines, a range of formats (e.g., residential field courses, campus-based field courses) and from a range of institution types (e.g., community college, private/independent field stations, MSI, PUI, R1).
To support their time and effort, participants will receive a $1,000 (USD) stipend for complete participation. Please see attached one-pager for more details.
Visit our website ( for more information about the Belonging in Field Education project.
Dr Alison Jolley (AJ), SFHEA | (she/her)
Lecturer, Academic Development Te Puna Ako - Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Tauranga Campus | Room 4.03 Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 | Kirikiriroa Hamilton | Aotearoa New Zealand Research Editor, Journal of Geoscience Education |
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