IMMEDIATE JOB OPENING IN ALASKA!!! ================== Summer Job Opportunity! Fish and Wildlife Technician II The Fish and Wildlife Technician II position: * 7 days/week 6hrs/day, 19.65/hr with 3.5 hrs OT each week, with more OT during camp opening/closing. * Daily/weekly duties include enumerating salmon through a tripod weir, taking scale samples, length, and sex (~600 ASL samples over the season). * Duty station located on Saltery Creek near the lake outlet. Amenities consist of a two-bedroom cabin (fridge, oven, heater, water system), gear shed, workshop, shower stall, and an outhouse. ATV access with lots of bear and public interaction. * The job starts ASAP (latest start date is June 19th) and goes until August 15. ADF&G will provide firearms (870 shotgun) and other safety trainings while out in the field. The FWT II will work with one other FWT III. * Food is paid for while out in field camp. * Qualifications are a High School degree. Contact Darin Ruhl at 907-942-2030 or [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> for more information for applications and interview scheduling.