


Special Issue of the Journal of International Business Studies





Special Issue Editors:


*	Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Northeastern University, USA,
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> )
*	Gerard George (Georgetown University, USA,
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> )
*	Grazia D. Santangelo (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark,
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> ) 
*	Laszlo Tihanyi (Rice University, USA, [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> )
*	Xufei Ma (Tsinghua University, China, [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> ) 
*	Lemma Senbet (University of Maryland, USA, [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> )
*	Supervising Editor: Jonathan Doh (Villanova University, USA,
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> )


Deadline for Submission: October 15, 2023



Motivation for the Special Issue

Grand Challenges are complex problems with no easy solutions, which
transcend national borders and affect future generations. These Grand
Challenges, such as climate change, global health, forced migration, food
security, financial underdevelopment and infrastructure gaps, capital flight
and illicit flows, have usually been discussed as the purview of
governments. This view was reflected in the 2000 United Nations Millennium
Development Goals encouraging governments to end extreme poverty by 2015
(United Nations, 2000) and in the 2015 update and extension as the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) which set to improve lives
and protect the planet by 2030 (United Nations, 2015). Particular attention
was given to finance for development with the UN convening in Addis Ababa
(2015), which yielded a new global framework for sustainable finance to
support the SDGs and the 2030 agenda (United Nations, 2015). In this
context, one grand challenge, which has an adverse impact on development and
for which some multinational enterprises (MNEs) are complicit, has been
massive capital flight and illicit flows, particularly from low-income
countries. For example, in the case of Africa, an estimated $88.6 billion
leaves the continent every year with an aggregate $836 billion recorded for
the period 2000-2015, in excess of the corresponding debt stock of $770
billion, making Africa a “net creditor to the world.” (UNCTAD, 2021). In
this regard, Grand challenges draw attention to the potential role of MNEs
in both enabling and mitigating them (Montiel, Cuervo-Cazurra, Park,
Antolín-López, & Husted, 2021). 


MNEs are uniquely positioned to effectively address Grand Challenges given
their size, global reach, and market and nonmarket power. Societies
increasingly expect financial and non-financial MNEs to contribute to
solutions to Grand Challenges and expand their traditional roles by, for
example, promoting human rights, improving labor and environmental standards
(Wettstein, Giuliani, Santangelo, & Stahl 2019; Maggioni, Santangelo &
Koymen-Ozer 2019), and fostering financial inclusion and development (Allen,
Carleti, Senbet, Vanzuela, 2021). Moreover, these increasing societal
expectations for responsible corporate practice and some long-standing
global initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact, have pressured
MNEs to rethink their responsible conduct as an integral part of their
strategy (Global Reporting Initiative & United Nations Global Compact,
2018). They have also motivated MNE leaders to consider how their firms’
impose externalities on local communities and integrate these factors into
their decision-making and corporate strategy (George & Schillebeeckx, 2022).
As a result, MNEs are called to assume the role of positive organizational
actors, actively providing public goods, and protecting global commons
(Boddewyn & Doh, 2011; Scherer, Palazzo & Mattern, 2014). These
externalities can be both positive (e.g., Covid-19 vaccine production) and
negative (e.g., environmental degradation), calling for incentive and
institutional mechanisms to maximize the positive and mitigate the negative
(Gande, John, Nair & Senbet, 2020). 


Calls for new research directions and theorizing about Grand Challenges have
emerged in international business (Buckley, Doh & Benischke, 2017);
management (Cabral, Mahoney, McGahan & Potoski, 2019; George,
Howard-Grenville, Joshi & Tihanyi, 2016, Voegtlin, Scherer, Stahl & Hawn,
2022); and finance (e.g., Gande, John, Nair, Senbet, 2020). These calls
parallel debates on the societal relevance of management research, the
importance of phenomenon-driven research, and the meaning of impact in
international business (Doh, Budhwar, & Wood, 2021) and management research
(Tihanyi, 2020; Wickert, Post, Doh, Prescott & Prencipe, 2021). 


Most recently, under its new editorial team, JIBS has created a Societal
Impact Advisory Committee (SIAC) to provide advice to editors and authors on
attracting, reviewing and enhancing the contributions of manuscripts on
topics related to the Grand Challenges. Such research can potentially
contribute to the betterment of societies, locally or globally, through
influencing or enabling positive IB practices and supporting the objective
of “making JIBS matter for a better world.”


This special issue aims to contribute to and guide this ongoing conversation
by bringing attention to MNEs’ solutions to Grand Challenges. This focus
originates from the notion that MNEs are in a privileged position to address
Grand Challenges and offer impactful solutions because Grand Challenges
transcend national borders and require cross-country answers. We are
interested in submissions that focus on particular actions or initiatives
taken by MNEs to solve specific Grand Challenges. We also solicit studies
that investigate the behavior of diverse groups of actors participating and
collaborating with MNEs, including governments, transnational, hybrid, and
not-for-profit organizations to provide solutions (Teegen, Doh, & Vachani
2004). They can even take the form of local initiatives that are scaled and
adopted by MNEs and international organizations in other geographies and
jurisdictions as solutions to Grand Challenges. These solutions may involve
strategic, operational, financial, marketing, technological, or other
approaches that leverage MNEs’ capabilities, often in conjunction with
private, public, and not-for-profit partners. For example, MNEs, NGOs,
governments, and international financial institutions have collaborated to
create and replicate an innovative finance mechanism to support more than
four hundred water investment funds worldwide. The funds link downstream
water users who jointly invest in upstream land conservation and restoration
to solve pollution and water scarcity at the source rather than treat water
at the destination to address global freshwater shortages (Allen et al.,


The study of solutions to Grand Challenges not only can help advance the
topic itself but also enrich theories more broadly by questioning some
assumptions of existing models and approaches. We consider three
complementary ways this can unfold: global commons, wellbeing, and
externalities. First, extant models overlook the effect of MNEs on global
commons. The analysis of solutions to Grand Challenges opens an opportunity
to rethink how MNEs – alone or in conjunction with public and private
stakeholders – can manage global resources with unclear ownership and
difficult contracting (Ostrom, 1990). Second, many theories assume that MNEs
and other business organizations focus on value capture. According to this
perspective, incentives are aligned to ensure the bulk of value creation is
captured by the MNE with little value left for other stakeholders. The study
of solutions to Grand Challenges offers an opportunity to consider MNE value
creation for a wider range of stakeholders (Scherer, Palazzo, & Matten,
2014; Gande, John, Nair, Senbet, 2020), and encourages a refocus of MNEs’
operations from welfare to wellbeing promotion in local societies
(Santangelo, 2018). Third, theoretical models rarely consider the full
extent of the externalities of MNEs activities. The special issue provides
new opportunities to study how MNEs can be proactive actors that reduce
negative externalities and promote positive ones (Oetzel & Doh, 2009). 



Overview of the Special Issue

The focus of this Special Issue is to provide a deep understanding of how
MNEs contribute solutions to Grand Challenges. Grand Challenges are, by
definition, complex, and by extension, solutions reflect this complexity.
One approach to simplify this complexity is to group them under three main
categories – environmental, societal, and economic Grand Challenges – which
mirror the concepts of commons, wellbeing, and externalities that underpin
each of these challenges. Studies submitted to the special issue can address
one or several questions within each of these.


For example, among the solutions to environmental Grand Challenges, we have
the all-important issue of global environmental commons, including issues
such as biodiversity, the air and seas, and scarce natural resources. In
this regard, some questions to consider include: What incentives can prompt
MNEs to assume a broader “political” role (Scherer, Palazzo, & Matten, 2014)
and, thus, protect and promote global commons? When and where do MNEs harm
global commons, and what are the solutions to mitigating those harms? When
and why do MNEs shift their narratives, behaviors, and products from harm
mitigation to planet regeneration? How does MNEs’ transfer of technologies
and organizational practices contribute to the solution of the
overexploitation of natural resources? Under what conditions and for which
kinds of challenges are MNEs inclined to focus on their own potential
contributions and responses, and when will they collaborate with other
public and non-profit actors to provide solutions? Within these global
commons, a particularly important one is climate change and its challenge to
energy-intensive activities and development models. Many questions remain
open. How are climate change considerations incorporated into the decisions
of MNEs and the solutions they offer? How can MNEs contribute to the green
transition at home and abroad? How do MNEs collaborate with suppliers and
distributors worldwide to rethink the lifecycle of the products and address
climate change issues? How can public and private financial mechanisms be
leveraged to effectively conserve natural resources? 


Among solutions to societal Grand Challenges, a large variety of issues
related to societal wellbeing can be explored. These include: Which societal
Grand Challenges lend themselves to responses from MNEs alone and which
naturally require collaborative partnerships? What types of partnerships are
most effective in responding to societal Grand Challenges? Some specific
societal Grand Challenges include food insecurity and involuntary global
migration. Food security has been connected to the welfare that MNEs’
activities can generate in the host country (Mihalache-O’Keef & Li 2011,
World Bank 2010). A refocus on wellbeing requires answering questions like:
How and under which conditions can MNEs help improve food security?
Traditionally, migrants have been regarded as facilitators of foreign
operations and performance (Hernandez 2014). More recently, the global
refugee crisis has shifted attention to wellbeing (Guo, Al Ariss, &
Brewster, 2020). A number of questions arise, such as: How can MNEs
facilitate the integration of forced migrants within their workforce and
into host societies without engaging in exploitive or unethical practices?
And one that has become clear during the pandemic is the challenge of global
health and questions such as: How do MNEs manage intellectual property
rights when solving global health crises? How can microfinance and other
financing approaches create more inclusive societies?


There are also solutions to economic Grand Challenges, which can take a
multiplicity of forms, most driven by some aspects of externalities,
especially around the promotion of sustainable economic development
(Blomström & Kokko, 1998; Meyer & Sinani, 2009). A traditional perspective
regards these externalities as a by-product of foreign operations (Oetzel &
Doh, 2009), giving rise to questions such as: How can MNEs’ proactiveness
toward promoting positive and mitigating negative externalities be
incorporated into the theoretical explanations of when and how to
internalize versus externalize? What will be a system of incentives,
governance, and institutional mechanisms that help mitigate negative
externalities and sustain, or even amplify, positive externalities produced
by MNEs? How can MNEs balance the contribution to positive externalities and
their for-profit raison d’être in the face of Grand Challenges? How can MNEs
help solve the negative externalities of their economic activities? What
issues require MNEs to work alone, in conjunction with other MNEs, or in
collaboration with non-profit and governmental partners to solve economic
Grand Challenges? How do MNEs contribute to sustainable economic development
that balances local needs and broader corporate objectives? How do MNEs
engage in a race to the top and prioritize local wellbeing in terms of, for
instance, workplace health and safety over cost savings? How do new
technologies such as blockchain, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, or
geospatial mapping shape the actions of MNEs to ensure transparency,
compliance, governance, and stakeholder engagement? What innovative
financial approaches can facilitate sustainable development? What is the
role of financial MNEs, small and large, in fostering financial inclusion
and innovation (e.g., fintech) that is appropriate for inclusive economic
development?  How damaging are illicit financial flows and capital flight to
the SDGs and what incentives and governance mechanisms can limit such flows?
What is the role of MNCs in enabling or deterring such flows? What is the
scope of tax avoidance and profit sharing? How valid are existing approaches
and methods in measuring capital flight and illicit flows?


Given the complex nature of Grand Challenges, this Special Issue provides a
forum for authors to advance both theory and offer new insights into Grand
Challenges incorporating a diversity of approaches. Studies should consider
the contextual considerations that are core to international business and
affect the responses to the Grand Challenges. These include geopolitics, the
technological landscape, institutions, and market competition, all salient
contextual aspects that characterize the environment in which MNEs operate
and make strategic decisions. As such, we expect submissions also to
consider how these contextual conditions influence how MNEs devise solutions
to Grand Challenges and the specific solutions they advance. Additionally,
we encourage awareness and appreciation of both advanced and emerging
countries, including low-income countries, and their differing scholarly
traditions and management practices in tackling Grand Challenges (Barkema,
Chen, George, Luo, & Tsui, 2015). A focus on MNEs’ solutions to Grand
Challenges among all world regions allows scholars to tap into concepts and
theories from these varied contexts (Tung & Stahl, 2018). Thus, we welcome
studies that go beyond traditional and developed country MNEs, to generate
new insights by exploring how emerging market MNEs (Luo & Tung, 2018) and
digital MNEs (Nambisan & Luo, 2022) tackle Grand Challenges. Moreover, we
welcome a wide range of empirical and conceptual papers from diverse
academic domains to make the Special Issue multidisciplinary in scope and
interdisciplinary in methodology. We seek to make the Special Issue a
valuable base for a deep understanding of Grand Challenges and, more
importantly, MNEs’ impactful solutions to such challenges. 



Deadline and Submission Instructions

Authors should submit their manuscripts between October 1 and 15, 2023, via
the Journal of International Business Studies submission system at To ensure that your submission is
correctly identified for consideration for this Special Issue, please select
“Special Issue: Grand Challenges” from the Article Type list. Manuscripts
should be prepared following the JIBS submission guidelines, available at 


All submissions will go through the standard double-blind review process.
The guest editors plan to host a paper development workshop for manuscripts
that have advanced through the revision process in 2024. Such a workshop
will allow authors to improve their manuscripts and enhance and sharpen the
potential value of their contribution. It will also provide a community for
scholars studying the topic. Participation in the workshop is neither a
requirement nor a promise of final acceptance of the paper in the special
issue. The guest editors also plan to organize panels at major conferences
featuring some of the articles accepted for the special issue. 


Questions about the Special Issue may be directed to the guest editors
(please select copy all editors in your communication) and the JIBS Managing
Editor ([log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> ).




Abell, R., et al. 2017. Beyond the source: The environmental, economic and
community benefits of source water protection. The Nature Conservancy.

Allen, F., Carleti, E., Cull, R., Qian, J., Senbet, L., & Valenzuela, P.
2021. Improving access to banking. Review of Finance, 25(2), 403–447. 

Barkema, H.G., Chen, X., George, G., Luo, Y., & Tsui, A., 2015. West meets
East: new concepts and theories. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (2),

Boddewyn, J., & Doh, J. P.  2011. Global Strategy and the Collaboration of
MNEs, Governments and NGOs for the Provisioning of Collective Goods in
Emerging Markets. Global Strategy Journal, 1, 345-361.

Blomström, M., & Kokko, A. 1998. Multinational corporations and spillovers.
Journal of Economic surveys, 12(3), 247-277.

Buckley, P. J., Doh, J. P., & Benischke, M. H. 2017. Towards a renaissance
in international business research? Big questions, grand challenges, and the
future of IB scholarship. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(9),

Cabral, S., Mahoney, J. T., McGahan, A. M., & Potoski, M. 2019. Value
creation and value appropriation in public and non-profit organizations.
Strategic Management Journal, 40(4), 465-475.

Doh, J., Budhwar, P. & Wood, G. 2021. Long-term energy transitions and
international business: Concepts, theory, methods, and a research agenda.
Journal of International Business Studies, 52(5): 951–970.

Gande, A., John, K., Nair, R., & Senbet, L., 2020. Taxes, institutions, and
innovation: Theory and international evidence. Journal of International
Business Studies 51, 1413–1442. 

George, G. & Schillebeeckx, S. 2022. Digital transformation, sustainability
and purpose in the multinational enterprise., Journal of World Business.
57(3), 101326.

George, G., Howard-Grenville, J., Joshi, A., & Tihanyi, L. 2016.
Understanding and tackling grand societal challenges through management
research. Academy of Management Journal, 59(6), 1880-1895.

Global Reporting Initiative, & United Nations Global Compact. 2018.
Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into corporate reporting: A
practical guide. 

Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, & World Business
Council for Sustainable Development. 2015. SDG Compass: The guide for
business action on the SDGs.

Guo, G. C., Al Ariss, A., & Brewster, C. 2020. Understanding the global
refugee crisis: Managerial consequences and policy implications. Academy of
Management Perspectives, 34(4), 531-545.

Hernandez, E. 2014. Finding a home away from home: Effects of immigrants on
firms’ foreign location choice and performance. Administrative Science
Quarterly, 59(1), 73-108.

Luo, Y., & Tung, R. 2018. A general theory of springboard MNEs. Journal of
International Business Studies, 49, 129–152

Mihalache-O’Keef, A., & Li, Q. 2011. Modernization vs. dependency revisited:
Effects of foreign direct investment on food security in less developed
countries. International Studies Quarterly, 55(1), 71-93.

Maggioni, D., Santangelo, G. D., & Koymen-Ozer, S. 2019. MNEs’ location
strategies and labor standards: The role of operating and reputational
considerations across industries. Journal of International Business Studies,
50(6), 948-972.

Meyer, K. E., & Sinani, E. 2009. When and where does foreign direct
investment generate positive spillovers? A meta-analysis. Journal of
International Business Studies, 40(7), 1075-1094.

Montiel, I., Cuervo-Cazurra, A., Park, J., Antolín-López, R., & Husted, B.
W. 2021. Implementing the United Nations’ sustainable development goals in
international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(5),

Nambisan, S., & Luo, Y. The Digital Multinational: Navigating the New Normal
in Global Business. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 

Oetzel, J., & Doh, J. P. 2009. MNEs and development: a review and
reconceptualization. Journal of World Business, 44(2), 108-120.

Ostrom, E. 1990. Governing the commons: The evolution of institutions for
collective action. Cambridge University Press.

Santangelo, G.D. 2018. The impact of FDI in land in agriculture in
developing countries on host country food security. Journal of World
Business, 53(1), 75-84.

Scherer, A. G., Palazzo, G., & Matten, D. 2014. The business firm as a
political actor: A new theory of the firm for a globalized world. Business &
Society, 53(2), 143-156.

Teegen, H., Doh, J. P., & Vachani, S. 2004. The importance of
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in global governance and value
creation: An international business research agenda. Journal of
international business studies, 35(6), 463-483.

Tihanyi, L. 2020. From “that’s interesting” to “that’s important”. Academy
of Management Journal, 63(2), 329-331.

Tung, R., & Stahl, G. 2018. The tortuous evolution of the role of culture in
IB research: What we know, what we don’t know, and where we are headed.
Journal of International Business Studies, 49, 1167–1189

United Nations. 2000. United Nations Millennium Development Goals. 

United Nations. 2015. Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for
sustainable development. 

United Nations. 2015. Financing for development.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.  2021. Africa could gain
$89 billion annually by curbing illicit financial flows.

Voegtlin, C., Scherer, A. G., Stahl, G. K., & Hawn, O. 2022. Grand societal
challenges and responsible innovation. Journal of Management Studies, 59(1),

Wettstein, F., Giuliani, E., Santangelo, G. D., & Stahl, G. K. 2019.
International business and human rights: A research agenda. Journal of World
Business, 54(1), 54-65.

Wickert, C., Post, C., Doh, J. P., Prescott, J. E., & Prencipe, A. 2021.
Management research that makes a difference: Broadening the meaning of
impact. Journal of Management Studies, 58(2), 297-320.

World Bank, 2010) Rising Global Interest in Farmland. Washington D.C.



About the Guest Editors


Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is
Professor of Global Strategy and the Lloyd Mullin Research Fellow at the
D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University. He has two main
research interests, global strategic management, and global sustainable
governance. He studies them using economic thinking and focusing on the role
of the contextual conditions on strategic decisions. In global strategic
management, he studies how institutions drive firms to upgrade their
technological capabilities and become multinationals. In global sustainable
governance, he explains how norms drive owners’ influence on strategies and
sustainability. Professor Cuervo-Cazurra was elected Fellow of the Academy
of International Business Studies, and received an Honorary Doctorate from
Copenhagen Business School, a silver medal from Journal of International
Business Studies, six best paper awards, the best dissertation award from
the Strategy Division of the Academy of Management, eleven best reviewer
awards from journals and conferences, and an outstanding service award from
the Academy of International Business. He is co-editor of Global Strategy
Journal. He served on the Executive Committee of the Academy of Management’s
International Management Division and as Representative-at-Large of the
Strategic Management Society’s Global Strategy Group. He teaches courses on
global strategy and sustainability at the undergraduate, masters, executive
and Ph.D. levels, and is an independent consultant on internationalization
and global strategy.


Gerard (Gerry) George (Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University) is Brown
Family Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Professor of Management
at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. Prior to joining
Georgetown, he was Dean and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Innovation and
Entrepreneurship at Singapore Management University’s Lee Kong Chian School
of Business. Previously, he served as Deputy Dean of the Business School at
Imperial College London and held tenured positions at London Business School
and University of Wisconsin-Madison. An award-winning researcher and
teacher, he has published over 100 articles on the topics of innovation,
entrepreneurship, sustainability and tackling grand challenges in society.
From 2013 to 2016, he was Editor of the Academy of Management Journal, and
led the editorial team on Grand Challenges in Management special research
forum. He received an honorary doctorate in economics from the University of
St. Gallen for intellectual contributions to the fields of strategic
management, innovation and entrepreneurship. He is Senior Global Fellow at
the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania.


Grazia D. Santangelo (Ph.D., University of Reading) is Professor of
Strategic and International Management at Copenhagen Business School and
visiting professor at Henley Business School (UK). Before joining Copenhagen
Business School, she held a Jean Monnet Chair in International Business at
the University of Catania (Italy). She researches across the fields of
international business, global strategy, and innovation. Her current
research focuses on how firms deal with grand challenges and ethical issues,
how they strategize about their intangibles around the globe, the evolution
of firms’ internationalization process, and the nexus between institutions
and firms’ cross-border strategy. Her research has been published in leading
academic journals, such as Journal of International Business Studies,
Journal of Economic Geography and Research Policy, and has been recognized
with a number of international awards. She has also received a number of
best reviewer awards. She has served as Reviewing Editor of Journal of
International Business Studies (2019-2022) and is a member of the editorial
review board of Academy of Management Review. She assumed the position of
Associate Editor of Journal of International Management and Industry &
Innovation. Grazia is an elected Fellow of the Academy of International
Business and European International Business Academy (EIBA). She is also an
elected member of the Executive Committee of the International Management
(IM) Division of the Academy of Management (2021-2025). She served as Chair
of the Research Committee of the IM Division (2016-2020),
representative-at-large of the Global Strategy Interest Group of the
Strategic Management Society (2018-2021) and as former EIBA president


Laszlo Tihanyi (Ph.D., Indiana University) is the William Alexander Kirkland
Chair and Professor of Strategic Management in the Jones Graduate School of
Business at Rice University. He held visiting positions at Duke University,
Indiana University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, the
University of Groningen, and the University of Melbourne. His main research
areas are corporate governance in multinational firms, internationalization,
and organizational adaptation in emerging economies. His current research
explores the involvement of institutional investors in foreign direct
investment, the institutional environment of internationalization decisions,
and the effects of social movements on multinational firms. His papers have
been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management
Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of
International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management
Studies, and others. He is currently serving as the Editor of the Academy of
Management Journal.


Xufei Ma (Ph.D., National University of Singapore) is Terry Gou Chair
Professor at School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University.
Before joining Tsinghua, he held tenured positions at Chinese University of
Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong. His current research examines
strategy, innovation, and management of multinational and entrepreneurial
firms in and from emerging economies. He has published in journals such as
Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of
International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management
Studies, and Journal of Business Venturing. He was the winner of the Haynes
Prize for the Most Promising Scholar awarded by Academy of International
Business, a Dunning Visiting Fellow of the John H. Dunning Center for
International Business, and a recipient of JIBS Silver Medal for Outstanding
Contributions. He served as a guest editor for Journal of International
Business Studies and Journal of Management Studies, and a senior editor for
Management and Organization Review and Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
He is an Area Editor of Journal of International Business Studies


Lemma W. Senbet (Ph.D., University at Buffalo, SUNY) is the William E. Mayer
Chair Professor of Finance at the University of Maryland, College Park. Prof
Senbet served as Executive Director/CEO of African Economic Research
Consortium (AERC), 2013-2018, the oldest and largest economic research and
training network serving the continent of Africa. Prior to Maryland, he was
a distinguished professor of finance at the University of Wisconsin -
Madison and held the Charles Albright Chair.  Prof Senbet is internationally
recognized for his widely cited contributions to corporate and international
finance, which have appeared in such top journals as Journal of Finance,
Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business, Review of Finance, JIBS,
etc. He has published on wide-ranging issues, including agency conflicts and
financial contracting, financial distress and financial crisis, banking
regulation and incentives, corporate governance, and valuation effects of
multinational corporate diversification, etc. He has been associate editor
for over a dozen journals, including extended tenure at the Journal of
Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Financial
Management (FM). Moreover, he was a two-term Executive Editor of FM and has
been serving Editor (Finance), JIBS. Professor Senbet has received numerous
honors and recognitions for his impact on the profession. He has been
elected twice to the board of directors of the American Finance Association
and is a past president of the Western Finance Association. In 2000, Prof
Senbet was inducted into the Financial Economists Roundtable. In 2005, he
was awarded Honorary Doctorate degree from Addis Ababa University. In 2006,
Professor Senbet was inducted Fellow of Financial Management Association
(FMA). In 2021, Prof Senbet was appointed to the newly established Council
of Independent Economic Advisors by the Prime Minister of Ethiopia. In 2022,
he was inducted as a Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB).


Jonathan Doh (Ph.D., George Washington University) is Associate Dean of
Research and Global Engagement, Rammrath Chair in International Business,
Co-Faculty Director of the Center for Global Leadership, and Professor of
Management at the Villanova School of Business. Previously, he was on the
faculty of American and Georgetown Universities and a trade official with
the U.S. Department of Commerce, with responsibilities related to NAFTA and
North American trade. Jonathan is author or co-author of more than 85
refereed articles, 35 chapters, a dozen teaching cases and simulations, and
nine books. His articles have appeared in Academy of Management Review,
Academy of Management Perspectives, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of
International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management
Studies, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, and Strategic Management
Journal. His co-authored books include Multinationals and Development (Yale
University Press, 2007), NGOs and Corporations: Conflict and Collaboration
(Cambridge University Press, 2009), Aligning for Advantage: Competitive
Strategies for the Political and Social Arenas (Oxford University Press,
2014), and International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
(McGraw-Hill/Irwin), the best-selling international management text which is
in its 12th edition.  He has been Associate or Consulting Editor of numerous
journals and was Editor-in-Chief of Journal of World Business from
2014-2018. In January of 2020, he assumed the position of General Editor for
Journal of Management Studies. He is a fellow of both the Academy of
International Business and the Academy of Management. In the most recent
global ranking by scholars at Stanford University of scientists and their
intellectual contributions, he was ranked 298 out of 44,945 in business
management, placing him among the top 0.65%. 




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