

*MBR/IB Paper Development Workshop*

*Sponsored by Multinational Business Review (MBR) and Academy of
International Business (AIB), Asia Pacific Chapter*

Academy of International Business (AIB) Special Theme Conference

Sustainable Development and International Competitiveness of Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises in the Post COVID-19 Era

*Date:  10-11 June, 2023, China Time (UTC + 8)*

*Location: University of Nottingham Ningbo China*

*Submission deadline:** 20 May 2023*

The MBR/IB Paper Development Workshop (PDW) will be held as part of AIB
Special Theme Conference 2023 at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China ( The PDW is organized by Prof.
Liang Wang (University of San Francisco), Prof. Tazeeb Rajwani (MBR editor
in chief, University of Surrey), Prof. JT Li (Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology), Prof. Jeremy Clegg (University of Leeds), and
Prof. Dongdong Huang (Naikai University). The purpose of the PDW is to
provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current research
projects in International Business, and publication opportunities with
Business Review* (5-year Impact Factor 2021, 3.469) that publishes
high-quality research on the nature and impact of the multinational
enterprise (MNE) and the evolution of international business strategies.
Authors will be paired with senior IB scholars for discussions on their
papers (in-person or online). The high-quality full papers participated in
the PDW, if submitted to MBR, will receive a fast track review (albeit no
guarantee of publication).

We invite original IB papers from doctoral students or faculty members who
are interested in receiving developmental feedback from senior IB scholars
with significant editorial experiences. We particularly encourage papers
from scholars (1) who are located at universities that offer limited
support for international business research, or (2) who are trained in
disciplines less commonly associated with the IB field (e.g., human
geography, political science, or economic history) but interested in
conducting IB research. We hope that many of these papers will be submitted
to MBR or other mainstream IB journals.

To apply to the MBR/IB-PDW, you should submit your paper to Yuxue Luo via
[log in to unmask] The deadline for submissions is* 20 May, 2023*.
Each applicant can submit only one paper to the PDW. The paper submitted
for consideration must not have been published. Papers must be less than
10,000 words in length. Your cover page should include all the author
names, emails and affiliations.

You will be notified about the acceptance of your submission by *26 May*,
and will need to confirm participation by *30 **May, *which is the
registration deadline for the conference. All participants must be AIB
members and register for the conference at the time of confirming their
attendance at the PDW.

We’re looking forward to seeing you at the MBR/IB PDW! Please don’t
hesitate to get in touch with following PDW organizers if you have any
questions about it.

Dr. Liang Wang

University of San Francisco

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Dr. Tazeeb Rajwani

MBR editor in chief

University of Surrey
[log in to unmask]

Dr. Liang Wang 王亮

Professor of strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship
Associate Director, Center for Business Studies and Innovation in
School of Management
University of San Francisco

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