Professor Qihai Huang PhD
Head of Department, Department of Management
Huddersfield Business School
Email: q.[log in to unmask], Tel: 01484 256558
Huddersfield Business School
University of Huddersfield | Queensgate | Huddersfield | HD1 3DH | UK
Recent Publications:
* Han, W., Luo, E., Huang, Q.H., and Yang, J. (2022) The roles of opportunity belief and resource acquisition speed in the emergence of new ventures. Journal of Business Research
* Huang, S.F., Huang, Q.H., and Soetanto, D. (2022) The effect of CEOs’ regulatory focus on the entrepreneurial orientation of small and medium-sized enterprises. European Management Review
*Xie, J., Yan, M., Liang, Y., and Huang, Q.H. (2022) Why and When Negative Workplace Gossip Inhibits Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Management Communication Quarterly
*Huang, S., Huang, Q.H. & Soetanto, D. (2022) Entrepreneurial orientation dimensions and the performance of high-tech and low-tech firms: A configurational approach, European Management Journal.
*Huang, S., Pickernell, D., Battisti, M., Soetanto, D. and Huang, Q.H. (2021), "When is entrepreneurial orientation beneficial for new product performance? The roles of ambidexterity and market turbulence", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 79-98.* Zhang, Y., Huang, Q.H., Chen, H. & Xie, J., (2021) The mixed blessing of supervisor bottom-line mentality: examining the moderating role of gender. Leadership and Organization Development Journal.