Dear post manager, please could you kindly share this with AIB community with another PhD studentship?
Many thanks again! Jun
PhD Studentship (3 years): Firm internationalisation and R&D strategy in the evolving global value chains
The PhD research will build on the work Centre for Business Prosperity has done in recent years to examine firm’s global strategy of investment and R&D collaboration
in the fast-evolving global value chains and the twin-transition mission. The study will take perspectives of firms, industries, regions and nations, both aiming at furthering our understanding on existing trends but also identifying future opportunities for
growth. Projects will be jointly designed with the successful candidates, taking on board the broad contexts – likely movement of capitals globally due to the US’ Inflation Reduction Act and EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan, UK’s EU exit and new geopolitical
The successful applicant will work with Professor Jun Du, Dr Agelos Delis and Dr Dalila Ribaudo on interdisciplinary research in the following areas:
* Firm internationalisation strategy
* Global value chains development.
* Sustainability and net zero transition
* Internationalisation of technology development
The research will draw on COMTRADE product level data, Orbis IP database, ONS/HMRC Trade in Goods and International Trade in Services Database, as well ONS enterprise
level data. Advanced econometrics will be used to develop rigorous analysis for answering the research questions.
For questions about this position and how to apply, please contact Professors Jun Du ([log in to unmask]).
Applicants should by 19 May, 2023 with required application package specified at
If you require further information about the application process, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions team at
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Expected Interview dates:
5-6 June 2023
Best Regards,
Jun Du
Professor of Economics
Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship Department
Aston Business School
Aston University
B4 7ET
Email: [log in to unmask], Wechat: Jundu_2014,
Tel: +44 (0)1212043340
Mobile: +44 (0) 7713085539
Office: Main Building SW905B
Centre Director, Centre for Business Prosperity (CBP)
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