



Deadline Extended to May 5, 2023

The European International Business Academy (EIBA) in collaboration with the Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales -Universidad Complutense de Madrid-, is pleased to announce that the 2nd EIBA Summer School will be held at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Magdalena Campus,, Santander, Spain, August 28th-September 1st, 2023.

This edition’s topic will feature research methods and new approaches in IB for navigating innovation and catching-up in global value chains.

The School aims to provide participants with tools to understand and tackle different dimensions of global value chains (GVCs) in IB. To do so, examples of traditional and emerging IB topics will be analyzed (i.e. international knowledge creation, GVCs formation and restructuring, and policy trends – especially in terms of sustainability and digital transition), illustrating how to do justice to the conceptual and methodological challenges (and opportunities) characterizing the new international reconfiguration of GVCs.

The study of GVCs require to account for more recent phenomena, such as big data, blockchains, AI, platforms, and complex networks. Additionally, it requires eclectic methodological choices that combine multiple methods to pursue rigorous, reliable and valid results. Attention will be given to quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods, via lectures, seminars and workshops.

Each day we will analyze different dimensions of innovation and GVCs by exploring a different IB topic. Daily sessions will consist of an initial inspiring lecture by an expert of the field, followed by a workshop on the associated challenges and opportunities of GVC in term of research design, data collection and data management, a methodological session on traditional and advanced techniques and a workgroup for student training. The last day will be devoted to the sustainability of research activities and to the final presentations from participants, who will be asked to connect the knowledge and insights gained during the school with their own research.

Format And Goals

The Summer School offers lectures delivered by internationally leading scholars on the specific designated topic, methodological workshops and supervised tutorials/teamwork.

Key features of the pedagogical approach adopted by the Summer School are as follows:

  *   Morning lectures will be offered by invited professors. Lectures cover a large variety of issues regarding recent advances in theory and applications in IB.
  *   Mid-day sessions will be devoted to methodologies
  *   Afternoon workshops are devoted to group work aimed to apply the issues and methodologies presented during the previous sessions, this likely connected to students’ research topics.
  *   Evening social scientific dinners are to connect participants, discuss paths of academic careers, publication strategies, role of social media etc.

Great importance is given to informal discussions, which are precious for sharing experiences and expanding networks, among participants and with invited professors who are asked to stay a few days for that purpose. The organization aims at creating moments for get-together activities (shared meals, field visits, get-together dinner, etc).

 Local Organizing Committee:

ICEI - Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Isabel Álvarez, Esther Gil, Javier Velázquez, UIMP administrative team

Scientific Committee

  *   Isabel Álvarez, ICEI Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ICEI Director
  *   Diletta Pegoraro, Politecnico di Milano
  *   Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano, EIBA Chair
  *   Javier Velázquez, ICEI Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  *   Catherine Welch, Trinity College Dublin


  *   Isabel Álvarez, ICEI Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  *   Leticia Blázquez, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  *   John Cantwell, Rutgers University
  *   Gary Gereffi, Duke University
  *   Valentina de Marchi, University of Padova
  *   Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School
  *   Diletta Pegoraro, Politecnico di Milano
  *   Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano
  *   Roberta Rabellotti, Universitá di Pavia
  *   Massimo Riccaboni, IMT Lucca
  *   Ari Van Assche, HEC-Montréal
  *   Javier Velázquez, ICEI Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  *   Catherine Welch, Trinity College Dublin


Target and Selection of Participants

The Summer Schools targets Ph.D. students, postdocs and early career researchers.

The number of students attending each course is limited to 30.

The program provides networking opportunities and allows developing global partnerships.

How to Apply

Prospective participants are required to send (by email to: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) a 1-page letter (pdf) organized as follows:

  *   name, department/university, current position (PhD student, postdoc, other)
  *   educational background
  *   research activity and interests
  *   motivations for participating in the School

Selection Criteria

The Organizing Committee will consider a number of features including: the coherence of the motivation with the aim and scope of the school, the potential benefit for the student’s research, the timeliness for the development of the student’s career.


Applications deadline is Friday May 5th. Decisions will be communicated by May 15th.


Accommodation costs for doctoral researchers and early career researchers will be covered by the School (this includes 5 nights’ accommodation, breakfast and lunch for 5 days) at the Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo, Santander, Spain

Registration Fee

550 euros (UIMP School Fee + UIMP accommodation costs)

All the participants should be (or should become) EIBA Members for 2023 (

Costs Covered

The registration fee includes 5 days of lectures, course materials, wi-fi connections, lunches, accommodation.

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