[https://img.publicate.it/i/950x306x9.f.S3/a517b/sirc-2512822-2.png] The School of Hospitality Business SPRING RECRUITING "Ready, Set... GO!" GET READY: SIRC will assist all Hospitality Students in securing interviews with hospitality companies for internships and full-time jobs! The blink below is a list of companies by industry segment. [https://img.publicate.it/i/950x306x9.f.S3/2d554/2022-employer-list-for-sp-2705354-3.jpg]<https://link.pblc.me/c/652303821?method=email&token=2973238f.FIm> [https://publicate.it/resources/content_images/download_favicon.jpg] download<https://link.pblc.me/c/652303821?method=email&token=2973238f.FIm> GET SET: Submit your resume to the link below for SIRC to approve. Also linked below is a list of companies by industry segment to allow you to search for your own preferred opportunities in the areas of interest you desire. If needed, drop in to our office to review and edit your resume with a SIRC staff member anytime from 8:30am - 5:00pm. [https://img.publicate.it/i/950x306x9.f.S3/ef325/michigan-state-university-2705377-2.jpg]<https://link.pblc.me/c/652309076?method=email&token=2973261SBbNE> [https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain_url=https://sirc.broad.msu.edu/resume/new] sirc.broad.msu.edu<https://link.pblc.me/c/652309076?method=email&token=2973261SBbNE> GO! Following resume submission and approval, SIRC will contact our 80 hospitality companies to provide them with access to your resume and ask them to interview you! Next, students should follow up and reach out to their preferred companies and ask for an interview. Students should be prepared to interview with companies within the next 2 weeks. Students, let's get ready for spring recruiting and land your dream internship and job! "SIRC" The Student and Industry Resource Center - 4th floor Eppley Center Career Services Office for The School of Hospitality Business [log in to unmask] 517-353-9747 [https://img.publicate.it/i/950x306x9.f.S3/a74df/2-2705361-1.jpg] Search the JAB <https://link.pblc.me/c/640038726?alt_obj=cta&method=email&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsirc.broad.msu.edu%2Fjob-posting%2Fmsujobsearch&hash=17246b&chk=0-c16dbe&u=60485d> Some of the companies listed below offer hospitality specific internships in the "sports and entertainment" hospitality sector, such as events, hospitality tents/reception, and member enhancement events. After interviewing, if interested in one of these positions, check with SIRC to make sure it qualifies for approval. [https://img.publicate.it/i/950x306x9.f.S3/d3055/picture1-2705344-1.png] [created in Publicate]<https://publicate.it/?e=337997> [cid:a33b577f-2130-4554-af8c-08605105af5e] Student and Industry Resource Center "SIRC" Career Services for The School of Hospitality Business Broad College of Business Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 T: (517) 353-9747 | F: (517) 432-1170 [log in to unmask] Virtual Office Hours: https://msu.zoom.us/j/92899678898 Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00 pm https://broad.msu.edu/hospitality-business/ WHO WILL MAKE BUSINESS HAPPEN? Spartans Will.