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Teaching and Education SIG Professional Development Workshop

Registration Deadline: 1 May 2023
Event Date & Time: 5 July 2023, 9am-12pm CET
Points of Contact: Karen Lynden, [log in to unmask]





The purpose of a case study is to take the learner closer to the real context of a situation, offering the opportunity to consider how to approach complex challenges, practicing analysis, synthesis, and problem-solving logic.  Whether based on a real business situation or a developed fictional scenario, case studies are engaging learning and reflection experiences for students, reaffirming knowledge and understanding of complex topics.

In this high-impact pre-conference professional development workshop, participants will gain training on how to develop case studies and teach using the case method. Support materials and resources will be provided to participants. This session is designed to prepare participants to develop a case for (1) classroom use and (2) potential publication.




This workshop is designed for those who are new to the case method, and for those looking to enhance their skills.  Participants may come from a range of backgrounds and experience levels, including, but not limited to; professors in all IB-related disciplines, research assistants, doctoral candidates, instructors, and lecturers.




The professional development workshop is structured to include the following programming:

Interactive Session 1: Foundations of Teaching Case Writing

Facilitator: Marleen Dieleman, National University of Singapore
In this portion of the session, Marleen Dieleman will overview the case method, discuss best practices from conceptualization, case design, writing, teaching, and publishing.  The session is designed to provide knowledge and stimulate discussion with small activities for idea creation.  

Illustrative Session 2: Lessons to share: Working with companies when writing a teaching case from the primary data

Facilitator: Aušrinė Šilenskytė, University of Vaasa

In this brief presentation, Aušrinė Šilenskytė will share her hard-earned knowledge based on experiences of working with companies when writing a teaching case.  By presenting insights and challenges, participants gain a greater understanding of how to anticipate and navigate potential issues, and make the most of the symbiotic relationship between the client organization and researcher.

Round Table Workshop

Using discussion-based small group and facilitator lead exercises, participants will further develop ideas for cases connected to themes, topics, and learning objectives.  Ample opportunities for collaboration, networking, and idea-sharing will be provided.  Facilitators will move through the tables providing prompts and feedback.

Illustrative Session 3: Mini-Cases for teaching IB

Facilitator: Miguel Ignacio Cordova, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru

In this portion of the session, Dr. Cordova will overview the AIB T&E SIG Mini-Case model and share the opportunity to contribute mini-cases within the AIB community through this channel.


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