

Dear AIB Colleagues,

I am delighted to inform you that the proposal: 

"The Sustaining Value of Using Online Software in Teaching IB Courses During the Pandemic and Beyond: The Case of the Global Market Potential & Strategy Online (GMPSO)" submitted by Professors Gaye Acikdilli and  Christopher Ziemnowicz, University of North Carolina at Pembroke,

was accepted by and will be presented at the

2023 AIB-US West Conference

to be held on March 16-18, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Please consider participating to #experience the great opportunity of using this learning tool! This is an outstanding learning platform developed by Professor Basil Janavaras, [log in to unmask], #strategy #teaching #internationalbusiness #gmpso #aib


I would also like to suggest that you register as an Instructor, free of charge, prior to the Conference and familiarize yourself with this effective teaching IB tool!

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,


Dr. Basil Janavaras

Professor Emeritus of International Business

College of Business

Minnesota State University, Mankato

27 Capri Drive

Mankato, MN USA


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