Some great marine opportunities. From: <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Kathryn Fuller <[log in to unmask]> Reply-To: Kathryn Fuller <[log in to unmask]> Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 8:25 PM To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]> Subject: [scuttlebutt:19990] PAID internship at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) Posting on behalf of a friend and colleague: SERC Education Interns work with Education staff and learn how to deliver hands-on science based on the practices of science of our Smithsonian Scientists. This means setting up and taking down program materials, delivering programs to school groups (K-12th grade), public programs, working with volunteers, and caring for fish tanks and turtles. We can teach you how to present, manage groups, and work with students. Some experience working with students/children is helpful. Being at SERC provides a unique opportunity to network with scientists, educators, and professionals in their fields. The Smithsonian on your resume looks great too! *Must be in college, graduated from college, or enrolled in graduate school Paid $600/week, and lasts 11 weeks. Housing is available in our dorms for $105/week. For more information contact: Karen McDonald ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) Please apply online using the portal page:<*/public__;Iw!!HXCxUKc!1y1pWUoViVrvs0lO5NqNgSxhcmhPigUWX5smV6UPbCm6UzzfzZOFOu-FYzErSep_iLqtyLUL8l5jEaN9RMI_lbRs$> FAQs about SERC Internship:<;!!HXCxUKc!1y1pWUoViVrvs0lO5NqNgSxhcmhPigUWX5smV6UPbCm6UzzfzZOFOu-FYzErSep_iLqtyLUL8l5jEaN9RGvnhP8h$> More information in the attachment. [%|loc%]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[%END%] [%|loc%]How to unsubscribe from list:[%END%] [%|loc%][%END%]