

Dear Colleagues!


We would like to sincerely invite you to our 9th AIB-CEE Chapter Annual
Conference on "International Business from "East" to "West": Global Risks
and Opportunities", which will take place in Warsaw (Poland) on July, 5-6,
2023. The conference is organized together with Emerging Markets Shared
Interest group and will be hosted by SGH Warsaw School of Economics


For details, please visit our conference website:

The deadline for extended abstracts submission is March 19, 2023. Submitted
extended abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. 

Conference tracks are as follows:

1.    Global Challenges in International Human Resource Management

2.    International Strategy and Global Development in Times of Disruption 

3.    Innovation and Knowledge Management in International Business

4.    Marketing Challenges in International Business

5.    International entrepreneurship, cooperation and networks

6.    International and Sustainable Finance, Financial Technologies and

7.    International Business: From Born Globals to Multinational

8.    Digital Enterprises and The Role of Digitalization in International

9.    Global Environment: From Geopolitics to Identity Politics

10. Post Pandemic Dynamics in International Business Environment in Emerging
Markets (EM-SIG)

11. Building Emerging Market Firms' Resilience in the Face of Rising
Economic Uncertainty and Sustainability Challenges (EM-SIG)



We would be delighted, if you join the conference and we would be able to
welcome you in Warsaw in July.

If you are able to distribute this e-mail among the faculty staff of your
university and among your colleagues, co-workers and associates, we would
appreciate it greatly. 

Thank you for your efforts!


See you in Warsaw! 


Best regards,


Wioletta Mierzejewska (Conference Host Chair)

Łukasz Puślecki (Chair of the AIB-CEE Chapter) 




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