Call for Submissions and Reviewers to the International Management (IM) Division at AOM 2023 The International Management (IM) Division at AOM invites submissions for Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), papers and symposia for the scholarly program at the 2023 Annual Meeting. This year's conference theme is "Putting the Worker Front and Center<;!!IaT_gp1N!3pt5utSxyPhw81iwgjjy1qpvtNaabZsuV6YE_CdiENt8C_prA_mYOeoV5Htd2Mu243UhKYY3VNNk7bjt$>". This theme is particularly salient for the IM Division considering the challenges and opportunities that managers face when engaging with people across a variety of national and sub-national contexts under increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous conditions. The International Management (IM) Division of the Academy of Management brings together a global community of scholars researching and teaching management themes with a cross-border or cross-cultural dimension. These include the influence of the context (e.g., geopolitical and technological changes) on international management and the contribution of management to addressing global social and environmental challenges. Members of the IM community conduct research on themes such as: * the cross-border management of operations, including multi-country, multi-unit, strategy formulation, and implementation; * the cross-border differential impact of cultural, social, economic, technological, political, and other institutional forces on strategies, organizational forms, and management practices; * evolving forms and management practices in cross-border business using physical and virtual channels supporting international business activities; * the international competitiveness of entrepreneurs, firms, industries, and nations; * comparative management studies involving two or more countries; * the impact of multinational enterprises on the societies in which they operate, and their contribution to global challenges such as social inequalities and climate change. To learn more about the IM Division, please visit our website<;!!IaT_gp1N!3pt5utSxyPhw81iwgjjy1qpvtNaabZsuV6YE_CdiENt8C_prA_mYOeoV5Htd2Mu243UhKYY3VP3Pxrnr$>. Reviewing: If you submit a paper, PDW proposal or symposium we also expect you to serve as a reviewer. Please sign up!<> Select the IM Division and topic codes that reflect your areas of expertise. We will ask you to review about three submissions between January 19 and February 16, 2023 and to provide the authors with thoughtful and constructive comments that are developmental in nature. The Division recognizes the best reviewers with Best Reviewer Awards. Professional Development Workshops: The format for PDW sessions is highly flexible. PDWs may consist of workshops, panels, round-table discussions, training sessions, etc. -- meaningful interaction is the key. As such, PDWs provide opportunities to experiment, with respect to both content and format, that are typically beyond the scope of regular paper sessions. We seek creative and interactive proposals that promote scholarship or teaching and involve not only other AOM divisions, but also firms, not-for-profit organizations, consultancies, NGOs, and public sector organizations. Papers and symposia: We invite submissions of paper and symposium proposals that contribute to the overall theme of this year's meeting or questions and issues distinctive of the international management field. We welcome paper and symposia submissions related to any of the topics within the domain of international management such as the cross-border management of operations, including multi-country, multi-unit, strategy formulation, and implementation; evolving forms and management practices in cross-border business; the cross-border differential impact of cultural, social, economic, technological, political, and other institutional forces on strategies, organizational forms, and management practices; the international competitiveness of firms, industries, and nations; and comparative management studies involving two or more countries. The 2023 PDW sessions will take place August 4 - 5, consortia on August 6, and the papers and symposia on August 7 - 8 at the Annual Meeting in Boston. Please see the Annual Meeting website<;!!IaT_gp1N!3pt5utSxyPhw81iwgjjy1qpvtNaabZsuV6YE_CdiENt8C_prA_mYOeoV5Htd2Mu243UhKYY3VJdFyg8q$> for additional information about the conference. Final paper, symposia and PDW submissions and must be made through the AOM Submission Center website. The deadline for Submissions is Tuesday, 10 January 2023 at 17:00 ET (GMT-5/UTC-5). This system opened early December 2022. We look forward to your submissions to and reviewer participation at the IM Division to make for a thoughtful and exciting annual conference in Boston! Klaus Meyer, PDW Chair [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Nandini Lahiri, Program Chair [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] --- You must be an active AIB member to post to AIB-L . AIB-L has a moderator which checks messages for basic relevance. However, AIB does not edit or screen messages for accuracy or reliability of content. All subscribers are recommended to perform their own due-diligence before responding to any requests or calls. 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