special edition for educational opportunities for organic production MICHIGAN ORGANIC FOOD AND FARMING ALLIANCE OFFERS ORGANIC INSTENSIVES… High Costs and Supply Scares of Nutrients: Strategies for Overcoming Organic Crop Fertility Challenges During our conversations we will discuss possible strategies to address the fertility and soil health needs. In 2022, farmers and producers across the country saw the price of conventional fertilizers skyrocketing. Looking for alternatives, many turned to fertility sources that organic farmers had traditionally relied on, driving the price of these materials up as well as causing shortages for everyone. If this trend continues many are considering how they are going to be able to provide the necessary fertility for crops in the future. This session will look at the problems being encountered, general soil needs, and alternative strategies and systems. The session will include information from researchers working on this problem and the real-life experience of producers with alternative strategies for obtaining the nutrients that their crops need. Event will be held at Michigan State University Campus in the Plant & Soil Building, Bogue St, East Lansing, Michigan Time Topics Time Topics 9:00 Welcome & Introductions 1:30 Experiences of utilizing alternative strategies/systems for organic production/soil fertility/soil health Vicki Morrone and Rabin KC-MSU Organic Production Systems 9:15 Nutrient Needs of Common Organic Crops- Can We Continue to Rely Heavily on Poultry Manure? What Problems Are We Encountering? Dan Rossman-O Farmer Zachary Hayden, MSU 2:30 Break 10:30 Break 2:45 Producers’ Round Table Discussions - Facilitated by: Dan Rossman Vicki Morrone 10:45 Strategies/plans we might consider to be more sustainable Experiences of organic producers Mark Vollmer-O Farmer Paul Treiber-O Farmer Wrap-up and Evaluation 12:15 Lunch 4:45 Reception and Closing in Plant Conservatory [cid189533*[log in to unmask]]<http://moffa.net/oi-2022.html> [cid189404*[log in to unmask]] January 4-5 at Founders Hall, Ohio State University 22611 State Rt 2, Archebold, Ohio Featuring Joel Gruver-Western Illinois University & Léa Vereecke, Rodale Institute [Text Description automatically generated][Text Description automatically generated] go.osu.edu/organicgrains Thanks to our 2023 Ohio Organic Grains Conference Sponsors! Vicki Morrone Organic Farming Specialist and Beginning Farmer Educator Dept of Community Sustainability, Michigan State University [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> + 1-517-282-3557 (cell and What’s app) Sorrone11 (skype) If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html