Tome is ticing to pre register and get a discount for GLEXPO program, Dec 6-8 in Grand Rapids, MI. to see the full program go to
Here are some key programs you may be most interested in!
Organic Production Sessions
Tuesday at 2-4 pm - “Introduction to Organic Production”
Presentations include:
Ten steps to prepare your farm for organic - By Vicki Morrone, Organic Farming Specialist at MSU
What's this certification all about? - By Casey Brooks Certification Specialist with Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association
Building soil health, one field at a time - by Rebecca Titus-Vegetable farmer and manager in Leslie, Michigan.
Michigan Ag and Environment Assurance Program-How can it help you start farming on the right foot - by Dan Busby-Senior MAEAP verifier for western Michigan
Wednesday Afternoon- Soil Health and Cover Crops
Thursday 2-4 pm. – Organic Vegetables
Presentations include:
Top facts to know about managing vegetable diseases-Meg McGrath- Professor at Cornell University, Long Island, NY-School of Integrative Plant Science and Plant Pathology
Grafting for stronger plants-By Matt Kleinhenz, professor and extension specialist at Ohio State University
Growing Media for Organic Vegetable Transplants by Liz Maynard-Purdue University professor in horticulture
Integrating poultry in organic vegetable production systems by Anne Carey, graduate student at Iowa State University Dept of Sustainable Agriculture
Large Scale Organic Production
Wednesday 9-11 a.m.
Presentations include:
Combining Cultural and Mechanical Weed Management in Organic Vegetables by Dan Brainard
Insect Management for Organic Vegetables by Jennifer Zavalnitskaya
Success and Challenges in Organic Apples by Kyle Rasch
Soil Health and Cover Crops
Wednesday 2-4 p.m.
Presentations include:
Nematodes and Soil Health Management By Haddish Melakeberhan, Michigan State University nematologist
Fall Brassica Cover Crops and Nutrient Cycling - What Have We Learned? Zack Hayden, Michigan State University Dept of Horticulture
Winter/Summer Cover Crop Combinations Influence Vegetable Productivity Dan Drost at Utah State University Dept of Plan, Soil, and Climate
Getting Your Soil Healthy and Keeping Soil Alive: A Starting Perspective by Mike Bronkema-Michigan Farmer
Beginning Farming Sessions
Resources for Beginning Farmers Round Table PLUS Trade Show Tour
Tuesday 9-12 pm
This program will offer several resource persons sharing about programs and assistance that is relevant to beginning farmers. Through introductions
and Q&A we hope it offers you better access. Following this portion, we will visit the trade show and stop by booths with info and resources and materials relevant to beginning farming
Beginning Farmer II
Wednesday 1-4
We have a great line up of speakers to share their knowledge and experiences as they engage with beginning farming challenges (eg. Land access) and
as they work to grow their own farm business. Check out this ….
Understanding your vegetable farm's financial health by Jon LaPorte-MSU
Learn how to start and grow your farm with the help of FSA loan by Sarah Longstreth-Goodstead Farm .
Working with a business partner when just starting out by Jessica Mazolli-Raven Oaks Farm
How to diversify your farm's income by Devon Wilson-Sunlight Gardens
Finding land for your first farm in a rural area by John McCarthy-MIFFA Program Manager
Finding land for your first farm in an urban area by Altia Kelly-Co founder of South East Market, Grand Rapids
Vicki Morrone
Organic Farming Specialist and Beginning Farmer Educator
Dept of Community Sustainability, Michigan State University
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+ 1-517-282-3557 (cell and What’s app)
Sorrone11 (skype)

Register now for 2022 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO
There is still time to register for the 2022 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO! The 2022 Great Lakes EXPO will be held Dec.
6-8 at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Pre-registration is now open for the Great Lakes EXPO and offers a discount over signing up on-site in December.
Pre-registration closes Nov. 15!
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