

Hi there,

The Oceanographic Society is putting together a *"Special Issue  on
Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences"* over
the coming year, and is seeking contributions. See the deadlines and topic
areas below. The first deadline is for an Expression of Interest on Nov.
1.  The first draft is due July 1st, 2023.
Topic areas include once called "Your Ideas," so feel free to propose a
topic different from those listed below.

TOPIC 1. Numbers and Trends: What Do the Data Tell Us?

TOPIC 2. Barriers to Entry, Persistence, Advancement, and Success

TOPIC 3. A Look at Some Federally Funded Programs

TOPIC 4. Other Initiatives

TOPIC 5. Your Ideas

[image: Image]
*Special Issue on **Building *
*Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion *
*i**n the Ocean Sciences *


Dear Colleague,

In December 2023, The Oceanography Society (TOS) plans to publish a special
issue of *Oceanography
 on “Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Ocean Sciences.” The
special issue has three main goals: (1) to serve as a resource for building
diversity, equity, and inclusion in the ocean sciences; (2) to inspire
people and institutions to earnestly review practices and commit to
meaningful positive changes to achieve a truly equitable, inclusive, and
diverse ocean sciences field; and (3) to encourage scholars from
underrepresented and marginalized groups to become and remain ocean

As guest editors, we are seeking initial community interest in contributing
articles to this special issue in the following topical areas. We ask that
you forward this invitation to other individuals who might be interested in

   - *TOPIC 1. Numbers and Trends: What Do the Data Tell Us?*
   - *TOPIC 2. Barriers to Entry, Persistence, Advancement, and Success*
   - *TOPIC 3. A Look at Some Federally Funded Programs*
   - *TOPIC 4. Other Initiatives*
   - *TOPIC 5. Your Ideas*

*There will be no cost to authors for publishing articles in this special
issue.* Copy editing, design, and print and web distribution will be
covered by the US National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research,
NASA, and other federal agency sponsors.


   - *EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: November 1, 2022*
   - *CONFIRMATION OF CONTRIBUTION: December 15, 2022*
   - *FIRST DRAFT: July 1, 2023*
   - *EXPECTED PUBLICATION DATE: December 2023 *

For detailed information on the special issue topics and length limitations
for articles and sidebars, and for preparing and submitting your letter of
interest, please go to:


We look forward to hearing from you!

*Special Issue Guest Editors*
Ben Cuker, Corey Garza, Deidre Gibson, Catalina Martinez, Wendy F. Todd
(Smythe), and Cassie Xu
[image: The Oceanography Society]
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Please share if you can.

Take care,


Valerie Sloan, Ph.D.
NCAR Early Career Professional Development Lead
& Director of the GEO REU Network
NCAR Education, Engagement and Early-Career Development
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Email: [log in to unmask]

I recognize that Boulder, Colorado, sits on the ancestral homelands and
territory of Indigenous People, including people of the Arapaho, Cheyenne,
Ute Nations