

Dear AIB community,

Just a reminder of the upcoming FREE GSU-CIBER webinar on “Oceania: international business, geopolitics and engaging with the ocean of our future<>” on Thursday, September 8th from 4pm to 5:30pm EST/Friday, September 9th from 8am to 9:30am New Zealand time. Register for free here<>.

The moderated panel will consist of three excellent panelists, experts on and from the region:

  *   Damon Salesa, Vice-Chancellor of Te Wânanga Aronui o Tâmaki Makaurau – Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and a prize-winning scholar, specializing in history, society, and politics of the South Pacific.
  *   Elizabeth L. Rose, Research Chair in Business Policy & Strategy at the Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, AIB Fellow and a lead guest co-editor of a recent AIB Insights special issue on “Engaging with Oceania”<>.
  *   Arun Elias, Dean of the College of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Studies (CBHTS), Fiji National University (FNU).

We will seek to provide answers to the following questions:

  *   What do international business scholars, policymakers and practitioners need to understand about the South Pacific? How do we need to think about the region – and why?
  *   How does the colonial history of the region influence current geopolitical tensions involving global superpowers? Are we seeing a repeat of history, or a new “Great Game” on the horizon?
  *   What are the most important social, economic and environmental challenges and opportunities that the region, and individual island states, are facing?
  *   What are the goals of China and the United States in the region, and what role does the Pacific Island Forum play? What roles are played by Australia and New Zealand?
  *   How can research about/from the South Pacific help to advance the international business discipline, international (business) policy, global environmentalism and politics.
  *   What role do multinational enterprises and their global value chains play in the South Pacific.

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Matt Raskovic He/him (Google Scholar Profile<>)


Associate Professor of Int. Business & Strategy
Business School - International Business, Strategy & Entrepreneurship (IBSE)
Auckland University of Technology;
Vice-President Marketing at the Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA)
Member of the Academy of International Business Diversity & Inclusion taskforce
Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University, China and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Selected publications:
1. Newburry, B., Raskovic, M., Colakoglu, S. S., Gonzalez-Perez, M. A. & Minbaeva, D. (2022). Diversity, equity and inclusion in International Business: Dimensions and Challenges<>. AIB Insights, 22(3).
2. Takacs Haynes, K. & Raskovic, M. (2021). Living with corruption in Central and Eastern Europe: Social Identity and the Role of Moral Disengagement<>. Journal of Business Ethics, 174(4), 825-845. (FT 50 journal list).
3. Rose, E. L., Salesa, D., Benson-Rea, M., Raskovic, M. & Osegowitsch, T. (2021). Letter from the Editors: “Engaging with Oceania: some Background about the Region – and Why It Matters for IB Research<>”. AIB Insights, 21(1).
4. Raskovic, M. & Takacs Haynes, K. (2021). (Re)discovering Social Identity Theory: An Agenda for Multinational Enterprise Internalization Theory<>. Multinational Business Review, 29(2), 145-165.
5. Raskovic, M.(2021). International business policymaking for a “wicked” world<>. Journal of International Business Policy (In press).
6. Raskovic, M., Dikova, D. & McDougal-Covin, P. (2020). International business with Central and Eastern Europe: From tyranny of history to revisited laboratories of learning<>. Journal of Business Research, 108, 417-420.
7. Davies, H. & Raskovic, M. (2017). Understanding a changing China: key issues for business<>. London & New York: Routledge.


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