Dear colleagues,

The Emerging Markets Theme at Cornell University, a joint research initiative with China Institute for Economic Research (CICER), the Cornell China Center, the Emerging Markets Institute and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute is hosting a PhD workshop at the Cornell Tech campus on Roosevelt Island in NYC on November 3rd.  Ideally, the participants would be business school PhD students from International business whose work focus on emerging markets.  Can you please forward our call for papers (attached) to your PhD students who might be interested? If interested they should send a one -page summary to Andrew Joseph Foley [log in to unmask] by October 1st and, register at

If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Joseph Foley [log in to unmask]


Lourdes S. Casanova

Emerging Markets Institute

Emerging market Multinationals Reports

The Era of Chinese Multinationals - Competing for Global Dominance, Elsevier Academic Press 

Innovation from Emerging Markets - From copycats to leaders Cahen, Casanova and Miroux (eds.), Cambridge University Press


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