

Dear AIB Members:

The OECD has launched a Public Consultation on the proposed revisions to the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. The due date for submission of public comments is 21 October 2022, a month from now. See and

Many international business and corporate strategy scholars consider corporate governance as their primary research area. In addition, many IB and strategy scholars focus their research on one or more of the 10 priority areas that are identified as Terms of Reference for the G20/OECD review:

  *   Climate change and corporate governance<>
  *   Corporate ownership and concentration<>
  *   Gender diversity on company boards and in senior management<>
  *   The role of board-level committees in corporate governance<>
  *   Digitalisation and corporate governance<>
  *   Institutional investors and stewardship<>
  *   The role and rights of debtholders in corporate governance<>
As someone who has been actively involved for nearly three years now as a commentator on the OECD's proposed changes to the international taxation and transfer pricing rules, I would like to urge IB and corporate strategy scholars who work in any of the above listed areas to get involved in the current OECD/G20 review process. Submitting comments is a way to affect public policy, to reach outside the "ivory tower of academic" and make one's research matter. If your publications provide useful insights on how the OECD/G20 should design its principles of corporate governance in any of the 10 priority areas, please join the public discussion and let your voice be heard.

Best wishes,

Lorraine Eden
Research Professor of Law and Professor Emerita of Management
2020-2023 Dean of Fellows and 2017-2018 President, Academy of International Business
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4221 USA
979.777.3489. [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.<>

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