


Special Issue of the Journal of International Business Studies





Special Issue Editors:


*         Stephanie Decker (University of Birmingham, UK,
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> )

*         Geoffrey Jones (Harvard Business School, USA, [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> )

*	Klaus Meyer (Ivey Business School, Canada, [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> )
*	Catherine Welch (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> )
*	Supervising Editor: Rebecca Piekkari (Aalto University, Finland,
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> )



Deadline for Submission: August 1, 2023




International business in all its forms, whether cross-border activities by
multinational companies or non-equity forms of investment, and the
international environment it operates in is shaped by the historical
legacies of countries and their international relations. The analysis of
historical data played an important role in early stages of the development
of international business (IB) as a field of research (Dunning 1958; Vernon,
1971). Yet, in recent years historical research on international phenomena
that engage with business and management theories is more commonly published
outside of IB journals (Gao, Zuzul, Jones, & Khanna, 2017; Lubinski, 2018).
Once IB became academically established, interest in historical research
waned, despite occasional calls for its revival (e.g., Jones & Khanna,
2006). Even rarer are historical studies in IB that are directly based on
archival sources (Bucheli, Salvaj, & Kim, 2019; Minefee & Bucheli, 2021).
This special issue seeks to bring together IB scholars interested in
exploring how historical approaches can enrich and expand theory development
on international business phenomena.


In recent years, IB journals have not seen the same development of
historically-informed theorizing as related fields (Decker, Hassard, &
Rowlinson, 2021; Maclean, Harvey, & Clegg, 2016; Rowlinson, Hassard, &
Decker, 2014). For example, the editors of the Academy of Management Journal
have, in an editorial, remarked upon “the value of these analyses in making
us see the social, cultural, and institutional construction of
organizational and managerial phenomena in historical context” (Bansal,
Smith, & Vaara, 2018, p. 4). This appreciation is reflected in the
substantial number of special issues over the last few years that have
integrated historical approaches into key debates in strategy (Argyres, De
Massis, Foss, Frattini, Jones, & Silverman, 2020), entrepreneurship
(Wadhwani, Kirsch, Welter, Gartner, & Jones, 2020), organization studies
(Wadhwani, Suddaby, Mordhorst, & Popp, 2018), and management theory
(Godfrey, Hassard, O’Connor, Rowlinson, & Ruef, 2016), and further special
issues currently in progress in family business (Suddaby, Silverman, Massis,
Jaskiewicz, & Micelotta, 2021), the history of business schools (McLaren et
al., 2021) and occupations and professions (Coraiola, Maclean, Suddaby, &
Muzio, 2022). This special issue seeks to open up a similar dialogue between
IB scholars and historical researchers.



How History Matters for IB Research

At its inception, the field of IB paid close attention to the evolution of
firms’ international activities in their historical context (Vernon, 1971;
Wilkins, 1974). Subsequently, however, IB and international business history
have often addressed different questions and employed different methods:
archival, mostly qualitative, research in the case of business historians,
and a variety of mostly quantitative, though increasingly also qualitative,
methodological approaches in IB in their historical context. This
distinction is increasingly challenged (Buckley, 2016; Burgelman, 2011), but
history also matters beyond its potential methodological contribution to IB.
Greater attention to history would enable IB scholars to ask questions about
change over time and develop theories addressing how and why some of these
patterns have become dominant at certain points of time, and why they might
be changing. Such theories may include, but are not limited to,
institutional theory, organizational learning, knowledge-based view,
organizational memory and forgetting, power, and dynamic capabilities.


Engagement with history and historical methods can help IB scholars respond
to recent calls for more process-based approaches, qualitative research and
an engagement with scholarly work beyond IB (Buckley, 2009; Nielsen et al.,
2020; Shenkar, 2004; Welch & Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, 2014). It would also
help develop scholarship towards a deeper understanding of phenomena (Doh,
2015) and their context (Meyer, 2015; Tsui, 2004). For example, in their
decade award-winning article in this journal, Welch et al. (2011) promoted
more contextualized approaches to IB research through a focus on the case
method, and in their recent retrospective (Welch et al., 2021) they
explicitly highlight historical research as one of four approaches that
engage context in their research design.



Aims and Scope of the Special Issue

In the light of these developments in our field and beyond, the time has
come to take stock and move beyond affirmations that “history matters” and
flesh out the ways in which historical approaches matter to IB research in
terms of theory, method, and novel perspectives. Here, we seek contributions
that go beyond just analyzing data collected over time (such as survey data
collection repeated after a certain number of years) in favour of studies
that include the rich historical context into their analysis and theorizing.
Historical approaches have the potential to offer new perspectives on the
complex, multi-level, and contextually specific nature of multinational
activities and the evolution of the global economy. We are particularly
interested in contributions that can connect historical approaches with IB
debates, and which draw on ongoing conversations in other disciplines and
fields. We are interested in both quantitative and qualitative approaches,
as well as methodological and conceptual/theoretical contributions. IB
scholars who use historical approaches, as well as business and management
historians who engage deeply with IB theories, are welcome to submit to the
special issue.


Possible examples of research topics that would be suitable for inclusion in
this Special Issue include (but are not limited to):


1.      Plurality of historical approaches. Other management disciplines
such as Organization Studies, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship have expanded
their use of historical research, as seen in a series of special issues and
other contributions. The key theoretical contributions have outlined a
spectrum of approaches from more social science-oriented contributions to
more historically oriented narratives (Rowlinson et al., 2014; Maclean et
al., 2016; Decker et al., 2021). Such work demonstrates that history
provides new perspectives on advancing theory or challenging concepts and
constructs and poses questions that are under-represented in IB research,
such as how processes evolve over time (Gao et al, 2017). Historical
approaches enable IB researchers to consider the past as an empirical
setting to explore theoretical concerns, which are difficult to adequately
study in the present, or which require a long-term perspective, such as
global challenges or internationalisation. How can historical approaches
benefit process and longitudinal research on IB topics? How can a dialogue
between process researchers and historians form the basis for advances in IB


2.      Historical theories of IB. In recent years, historical research has
become more theoretically oriented, driven by key contributions in
organization theory, strategy (Argyres et al., 2020), and entrepreneurship
(Wadhwani, Kirsch, Welter, Gartner, & Jones, 2020). Increasingly, such
contributions are being extended to IB theory (da Silva Lopes, Casson, &
Jones, 2019; Minefee & Bucheli, 2021) and this special issue seeks to expand
on this interdisciplinary repertoire. 


3.      Long run change processes. IB scholars have investigated
environmental change mainly by exploring business responses to clearly
identifiable disruptions. Yet, we know comparatively little of the
historically embedded, contextually specific co-evolution of multinational
organizations and their local, national, regional, and international
environment. Emerging economies, in particular, have brought to the fore the
importance of understanding the political, social, cultural and economic
contexts of business activities (Meyer, 2015; Tsui, 2004). Multinationals
often resolve key tensions by shifting the focus of their activities over
time to stay aligned with the different trends and concerns in host and home
societies. How do international actors and the global economy co-evolve?
What factors influence such processes? What is the role of disruptive events
(such as disasters, pandemics or wars) vs. slower, more long-term processes
in changing international business strategies and practices?


4.      Historical processes in IB and the role of time. Many key theories
in IB, such as internationalisation theory, implicitly or explicitly
theorise the passage of time as part of a process that becomes cumulative,
experiential and changes organizations both in their structure, strategies
and their practices (Verbeke & Kano, 2015; Welch & Paavilainen-Mäntymäki,
2014). How does the historical evolution of organizations shape their
operations, structure, and practises? How do international organizations
deal with historical legacies, such as colonialism, past wrongdoing, war and
conflict, and ideological disagreements?


5.      History as a method for IB researchers. Historical research
routinely covers long time periods in rich and detailed narratives based on
archival records that can have a fly-on-the-wall immediacy unmatched by
other types of public documents. These “eventful” accounts (Decker, 2022)
offer new insights particularly for qualitative longitudinal research to
scale up in terms of time periods covered. Frynas et al. (2017, p. 568)
highlighted the potential contribution from historical evidence in studying
the “long-term cooperative interactions and reciprocity by the actors
involved.” Welch (2000, p. 198) considers archival data as an opportunity to
add “empirical depth” and explain “processes of change and evolution”.
Buckley (2016, 2020) has also explored the potential for historical methods
to expand the types of questions IB researchers can ask. What methodological
innovations are required to embed historical approaches into qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed-method IB scholarship? 


6.      Historical perspectives on the construction of national and cultural
boundaries. A nation, in IB’s usual meaning, consists of a group of people
living within a geographic area who are sovereignly governed by explicit
laws and institutions which apply within a national government’s boundaries.
Governments historically negotiated these boundaries with governments
representing other similarly governed and bounded groups through warfare and
treaties. IB scholars, however, are sometimes encouraged to take on the
challenge of considering alternative societal boundaries besides nations
(Hutzschenreuter, Matt, & Kleindienst, 2020; Peterson, Søndergaard, & Kara,
2018; Tung, 2008). Accepting that challenge suggests the importance of
historical analysis for understanding how specific countries came to be
legitimated, how countries continue to compete with sub-country and
trans-country groups of people having shared political interests, and how
alternative groupings support different business practices and transactions
across not only country but other boundaries. This special issue supports
analyses that make systematic use of a broad range of influential historical
perspectives that have been taken to the geographic area they consider and
to the construction of national, sub-national and trans-national groupings
(Reckendrees, Gehlen, & Marx, 2022). Such submissions would need to show how
these groupings, and the contests between them, have continuing implications
for cross-border business. 


7.      Institutions in IB. IB scholars often turn to institutions to
capture aspects of the external environment affecting businesses. Yet, their
treatment of institutions has been criticised for being “hobbled by a thin
account of institutions and their effect on business performance” (Doh,
Lawton, & Rajwani, 2012, p. 27). Institutions are inherently historical in
nature, as acknowledged for example in studies on IB in transition economies
that emphasize the temporal nature of the institutional environment (Meyer &
Peng, 2016). Nevertheless, institutional theory in its variants popular in
management research favours ahistorical measurements and tends to ignore
their historical evolution. More research is needed, not just on the
interaction of different dimensions of institutions, but also on how they
affect strategy both in terms of the firm’s home and host economies. How do
institutions affecting IB change over time, and how do people and
organizations purposefully or coincidentally change them? What new
theoretical insights into IB topics can be gained from historical
institutionalism, which to date has been little used by IB scholars?



Deadline and Submission Instructions

Manuscripts must be submitted through
between July 18, 2023, and August 1, 2023. To ensure that your submission is
correctly identified for consideration for this Special Issue, please select
“Special Issue: History” from the Article Type list. All submissions will go
through the JIBS regular double-blind review process and follow standard
norms and processes. Manuscripts should be prepared following the JIBS
submission guidelines, available at For more
information about this call for papers, please contact the Special Issue
Editors or the JIBS Managing Editor ([log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> ).



Workshop and Symposium

The special issue editors plan to organize a webinar in early 2023 for
authors interested in submitting to the special issue, which we will
advertise widely on scholarly social media and on AIB-L. To help authors who
receive an invitation to revise their submission further develop their
papers, we intend to organize a paper development workshop in late 2023. We
encourage multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural co-author teams.




Argyres, N. S., De Massis, A., Foss, N. J., Frattini, F., Jones, G., &
Silverman, B. S. 2020. History-informed strategy research: The promise of
history and historical research methods in advancing strategy scholarship.
Strategic Management Journal, 41(3), 343–368. 

Bansal, P., Smith, W. K., & Vaara, E. 2018. From the Editors: New Ways of
Seeing through Qualitative Research. Academy of Management Journal, 61(4),

Bucheli, M., Salvaj, E., & Kim, M. 2019. Better together: How multinationals
come together with business groups in times of economic and political
transitions. Global Strategy Journal, 9(2), 176–207. 

Buckley, P. J. 2009. Business history and international business. Business
History, 51(3), 307–333. 

Buckley, P. J. 2016. Historical Research Approaches to the Analysis of
Internationalisation. Management International Review, 56(6), 879–900. 

Buckley, P. J. 2021. The Role of History in International Business:
Evidence, Research Practices, Methods and Theory. British Journal of
Management, 32(3), 797-811. 

Burgelman, R. A. 2011. Bridging history and reductionism: A key role for
longitudinal qualitative research. Journal of International Business
Studies, 42(5), 591–601. 

Coraiola, D. M., Maclean, M., Suddaby, R., & Muzio, D. 2022. Call for Papers
for a Special Issue: Occupations and Memory in Organization Studies. Journal
of Management Studies.

da Silva Lopes, T., Casson, M., & Jones, G. 2019. Organizational innovation
in the multinational enterprise: Internalization theory and business
history. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(8), 1338–1358. 

Decker, S. 2022. Introducing the Eventful Temporality of Historical Research
into International Business. Journal of World Business, 57(6), 101380.

Decker, S., Hassard, J., & Rowlinson, M. 2021. Rethinking history and memory
in organization studies: The case for historiographical reflexivity. Human
Relations, 74(8), 1123–1155. 

Doh, J. P. 2015. From the editor: Why we need phenomenon-based research.
Journal of World Business, 50(4), 609–611. 

Doh, J. P., Lawton, T. C., & Rajwani, T. 2012. Advancing nonmarket strategy
research: Institutional perspectives in a changing world. Academy of
Management Perspectives, 26(3), 22–39. 

Dunning, J.H. 1958. American Investment in British Manufacturing Industry,
London: Allen and Unwin.

Frynas, J. G., Child, J., & Tarba, S. Y. 2017. Non-market Social and
Political Strategies – New Integrative Approaches and Interdisciplinary
Borrowings. British Journal of Management, 28(4): 559–574.

Gao, C., Zuzul, T., Jones, G., & Khanna, T. 2017. Overcoming Institutional
Voids: A Reputation-Based View of Long-Run Survival. Strategic Management
Journal, 38(11), 2147–2167. 

Godfrey, P. C., Hassard, J. S., O’Connor, E. S., Rowlinson, M., & Ruef, M.
2016. Introduction To Special Topic Forum What Is Organizational History?
Toward a Creative Synthesis of History and Organization Studies. Academy of
Management Review, 41(4), 590–608. 

Hutzschenreuter, T., Matt, T., & Kleindienst, I. 2020. Going subnational: A
literature review and research agenda. Journal of World Business, 55(4):

Jones, G., & Khanna, T. 2006. Bringing history (back) into international
business. Journal of International Business Studies, 37(4), 453–468.

Lubinski, C. 2018. From ‘History as Told’ to ‘History as Experienced’:
Contextualizing the Uses of the Past. Organization Studies, 39(12),

Maclean, M., Harvey, C., & Clegg, S. R. 2016. Conceptualizing Historical
Organization Studies. Academy of Management Review, 41(4), 609–632. 

McLaren, P. G., Spender, J., Cummings, S., O’Connor, E., Lubinski, C.,
Bridgman, T., & Durepos, G. 2021. New Histories of Business Schools and How
They May Inspire New Futures. Academy of Management Learning and Education.

Meyer, K. E. 2015. Context in management research in emerging economies.
Management and Organization Review, 11(3), 369–377. 

Meyer, K. E., & Peng, M. W. 2016. Theoretical foundations of emerging
economy business research. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(1),

Minefee, I., & Bucheli, M. 2021. MNC responses to international NGO activist
campaigns: Evidence from Royal Dutch / Shell in apartheid South Africa.
Journal of International Business Studies. 

Nielsen, B. B., Welch, C., Chidlow, A., Miller, S. R., Aguzzoli, R.,
Gardner, E., Karafyllia, M., Pegoraro, D. 2020. Fifty years of
methodological trends in JIBS: Why future IB research needs more
triangulation. Journal of International Business Studies, 51(9), 1478–1499. 

Peterson, M. F., Søndergaard, M., & Kara, A. 2018. Traversing cultural
boundaries in IB: The complex relationships between explicit country and
implicit cultural group boundaries at multiple levels. Journal of
International Business Studies, 49(8): 1081–1099.

Reckendrees, A., Gehlen, B., & Marx, C. 2022. International Business,
Multinational Enterprises and Nationality of the Company: A Constructive
Review of Literature. Business History, (forthcoming).

Rowlinson, M., Hassard, J., & Decker, S. 2014. Research Strategies for
Organizational History: A Dialogue between Historical Theory and
Organization Theory. Academy of Management Review, 39(3), 205–274. 

Shenkar, O. 2004. One more time: International business in a global economy.
Journal of International Business Studies, 35(2), 161–171. 

Suddaby, R., Silverman, B. S., Massis, A. De, Jaskiewicz, P., & Micelotta,
E. R. 2021. Special Issue On: History-informed Family Business Research.
Family Business Review.

Tsui, A. S. 2004. Contributing to global management knowledge: A case for
high quality indigenous research. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 21(4),

Tung, R. L. 2008. The cross-cultural research imperative: the need to
balance cross-national and intra-national diversity. Journal of
International Business Studies 2007 39:1, 39(1): 41–46.

Verbeke, A., & Kano, L. 2015. The New Internalization Theory and
Multinational Enterprises from Emerging Economies: A Business History
Perspective. Business History Review, 89(3), 415–445. 

Vernon, R. 1971. Sovereignty at bay: the multinational spread of US
enterprises. New York: Basic Books.

Wadhwani, R. D., Kirsch, D. A., Welter, F., Gartner, W. B., & Jones, G. G.
2020. Context, time, and change: Historical approaches to entrepreneurship
research. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(1), 3–19. 

Wadhwani, R. D., Suddaby, R., Mordhorst, M., & Popp, A. 2018. History as
Organizing: Uses of the Past in Organization Studies. Organization Studies,
39(12), 1663–1683. 

Welch, C. 2010. The archaeology of business networks: The use of archival
records in case study research. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 8(2),

Welch, C., & Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, E. 2014. Putting Process (Back) In:
Research on the Internationalization Process of the Firm. International
Journal of Management Reviews, 16(1), 2–23. 

Welch, C., Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, E., Piekkari, R., Plakoyiannaki, E. 2022.
Reconciling Theory and Context: How the Case Study Can Set a New Agenda for
IB Research. Journal of International Business Studies, 53(1): 4–26.

Welch, C., Piekkari, R., Plakoyiannaki, E., & Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, E.
2011. Theorising from case studies: Towards a pluralist future for
international business research. Journal of International Business Studies,
42(5), 740–762. 

Wilkins, M. 1974. The Maturing of Multinational Enterprise: American
Business Abroad from 1914 to 1970. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.



About the Guest Editors


Stephanie Decker is Professor of Strategy at Birmingham Business School and
Visiting Professor in African Business History at the University of
Gothenburg, Sweden. Her work focuses on historical approaches in
Organisation Studies and Strategy, and she has published in journals such as
Academy of Management Review, Human Relations, Journal of Management
Studies, Organization, Business History Review, and Business History. She is
co-editor-in-chief of Business History, on the editorial board of
Organization Studies and Accounting History, and Co-Vice Chair for Research
& Publications at the British Academy of Management.


Geoffrey Jones is Isidor Straus Professor of Business History at the Harvard
Business School in the United States. He researches the history, impact and
ecological and social responsibility of business. He is a Fellow of Academy
of International Business (AIB), a Fellow of the Japan Academy of
International Business Studies, and a Corresponding Fellow of the British
Academy. His books include Multinational and Global Capitalism: From the
Nineteenth Century to the Twenty-First Century (OUP 2005), Profits and
Sustainability: A History of Green Entrepreneurship (OUP 2017) and Deeply
Responsible Business. A Global History of Values-Driven Leadership (Harvard
University Press, 2023). He has published in Journal of International
Business Studies and Strategic Management Journal.


Klaus Meyer is a Professor of International Business and William G. Davis
Chair in International Trade at Ivey Business School, London, Ontario,
Canada.  He is a leading scholar in international business, focusing on the
strategies and operations of multinational enterprises in and from emerging
economies. His research emphasizes the role of context on many aspects of
management, and the contextual boundaries of theories of management. He is a
Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB), and in 2015 he
received the Decade award of the Journal of International Business Studies
(JIBS). He has served as Vice President of the AIB, and as an area editor of
JIBS and is currently serving on the Executive Committee of the
International Management Division of the Academy of Management. He has
published over 90 articles in leading scholarly journals such as Journal of
International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal and Journal of
Management Studies, and he published nine books.


Catherine Welch is Chair of Strategic Management at Trinity College Dublin,
Ireland and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Aalto University, Finland.
Her research has concentrated on two areas: qualitative research methodology
and process approaches to studying firm internationalization. Her work has
appeared in leading journals in international business and management. She
was the first author on a paper which won the 2021 Journal of International
Business Studies (JIBS) Decade Award. Catherine is the current Book Review
Editor of JIBS and a member of the journal’s Research Methods Advisory
Committee. She is an Associate Editor of Organizational Research Methods.
She is a Vice-President and co-founder of the Academy of International
Business (AIB) Research Methods Shared Interest Group (RM-SIG). She
currently serves on the AIB’s board as Vice President Programs. 


Rebecca Piekkari is Marcus Wallenberg Chair of International Business at
Aalto University School of Business, Finland. She is an incoming Associate
Editor of the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and sits on
several editorial boards of IB and management journals. Rebecca’s recent
research interests focus on translation as a perspective on IB phenomena,
the shifting meaning of location for cross-border activities, as well as
questions of social sustainability, diversity and inclusion in multinational
corporations. She is known for her expertise in qualitative research methods
and language-sensitive research in IB. Together with her co-authors she won
the 2021 JIBS Decade award on theorizing from case studies. Rebecca has also
co-edited several handbooks and book chapters on these topics. She is Fellow
of the Academy of International Business and the European International
Business Academy.


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