

Dear AIB colleagues,

We are delighted to announce our next *GEM&L webinar* on language in
international business. Please find the flyer attached.

*Language and Knowledge Work in Multicultural Teams*

with Prof. Dr. Helene Tenzer

October 4, 2022. 4pm CET | 3pm BST | 10am EDT | 7am PDT

Registration link:

[image: GEM&L Webinar_Helene Tenzer-kurz.jpg]
*Speaker's profile:*

Helene Tenzer is Professor of International Management at LMU Munich School
of Management. Her research focuses primarily on language diversity in
international management, multinational teams, and organizational
behaviour. She has published on these topics in outlets such as the Journal
of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Learning and
Education, Leadership Quarterly and Journal of World Business. In addition,
she has founded a research network on language issues in management with
currently over a hundred international members.

*Webinar summary:*

To keep up with changing economic conditions and global competition,
multinational corporations increasingly form multinational teams (MNTs) to
locate and integrate diverse knowledge from all over the world. These
knowledge processing activities rely on intense communication between MNT
members. Language as the vehicle of communication therefore affects
team-based knowledge work profoundly.

In this webinar, we will discuss recent research on knowledge processing in
multilingual MNTs. We will explore how diversity in team members’ mother
tongues creates evident language barriers if speakers lack lexical and
syntactical proficiency in the team’s working language and how it creates
hidden language barriers if speakers transfer their mother tongue’s
pragmatic and prosodic conventions to the working language. Whereas evident
barriers reduce participation in MNT communication, hidden language
barriers impair joint sensemaking, thus affecting knowledge processing in
MNTs. We will also discuss why language barriers in MNTs impede personal
more than task-related communication and emotional more than neutral
communication. These communication impediments hamper mutual understanding
of the task and of each other, thus constraining the development of shared
knowledge repositories among team members. These findings are remarkable
given that language-sensitive management research so far has focused mostly
on task-related and neutral communication, neglecting personal and
emotional communication.

saludos cordiales / kind regards / mit freundlichen Grüßen / com os
melhores cumprimentos

Madeleine Bausch, PhD, Assistant Professor of International Business
Faculty of Economics and Business / Facultad de Economía y Negocios (FEN)
University of Chile
*Researchgate * <>|
*Linkedin* <>
Latest publications:
Bausch, M. (2022). *Intercultural Transfer of Management Practices of
German MNC to Brazil: **The Interplay of Translation and
Recontextualization*. Springer.

Barmeyer, C., Bausch, M., & Mayrhofer, U. (2021). *Constructive
Intercultural Management. Integrating Cultural Differences Successfully.*
Edward Elgar.

Bausch, M., Barmeyer, C., & Mayrhofer, U. (2021). Facilitating factors in
the cross-cultural transfer of management practices: The case of a German
multinational in Brazil. *International Business Review*, 101921.

Wieczorek, O., Eckl, M., Bausch, M., Radisch, E., Barmeyer, C., & Rehbein,
M. (2021). Better, Faster, Stronger: The Evolution of Co-authorship in
International Management Research Between 1990 and 2016. *SAGE Open*,
October-December, 1 –15.

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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