Dear All,
We are pleased to share the recording and overheads of the seventh session of the How To PWD, entitled 'Can management theory improve business practices in Africa'. The session was delivered by Professor Paul Beamish.
This session brought to an end the 7-session 2022 PWD initiative.
We extend our deep gratitude to the mentors who participated in the initiative and in their dedicated contributions turned enabled us to deliver a program of the highest standards.
Whether as a participant or a listener to the recordings we hope you found the PWD initiative insightful and rewarding. We welcome your feedback as we take stock of this first round and plan the way forward.
Kind regards
Teresa, Lilac and Nana
Lilac Nachum
Professor, International Business
City University New York
Fulbright Scholar to Africa, Strathmore Business School, 2021-22
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