JWB Special Issue Proposal Development Workshop
Sponsored by Journal of World Business (JWB) and
Asia Pacific Chapter of Academy of International Business (AIB)
AIB Asia Pacific Chapter Conference 2022 Ningbo China Wednesday, 7th December 2022
Submission deadline: 30th September 2022
The Journal of World Business Proposal Development Workshop (JWB-PDW) will be held on
Wednesday 7th December 2022, as part of AIB Asia Pacific Conference 2022 at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China
The JWB-PDW is organized by
Prof. Peter Ping Li (Li Dak Sum Chair Professor of International Business at Nottingham University Business School China), the
JWB Special Issue Co-Editor. The purpose of the JWB-PDW is to provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current research projects related to the critical issues of deglobalization and decoupling with the title of
THE ANTECEDENTS AND IMPACT OF DECOUPLING: Exploring New Big Questions for International Business. Authors will be paired with senior scholars for discussions on their proposals (in-person or online).
This JWB special issue is inviting papers that address three broad questions:
Theoretical or empirical papers are expected to address but are not limited to the following main themes:
What are the most salient contextual forces driving the trend toward global decoupling? What
are the critical implications for IB research, especially the underestimated role of geopolitical forces?
What are the long-term implications for decoupling of the complex interplay between geopolitical and economic forces, often as competing logics, such as the various
versions of state capitalism and techno-nationalism (even authoritarian capitalism), as reflected in the Beijing Consensus vs. Washington Consensus as well as China’s Belt and Road Initiative?
Considering there are still over one year before the deadline for the submission, we are fully aware that lots of potential submissions are still in their early stage. Therefore, we are not going to invite full papers
but research proposals. While we hope that many of such proposals will eventually be submitted to the special issue of JWB as full papers, the aim of the PDW is more open-ended so as to heighten the quality of IB research, and bring new scholars into the IB
To apply to the JWB-PDW, please go to https://meetings.aib.msu.edu/asiapacific/2022/
and click on “Manuscript Submission Form” and then next to Track, please select JWB-PDW. If you have any trouble making the submission, please contact Yuxue Luo ([log in to unmask]).
The deadline for submissions is September 30th, 2022. Each applicant can submit only one proposal to the JWB-PDW.
Each proposal should be less than 3,000 words in length. Your cover page should include all the author names, emails and affiliations.
Authors submit what typically constitutes half a ready manuscript, up to and including introduction, brief literature review, description of the data (could be a data collection plan) and the planned empirical approach. However, the proposal should not
include data analyses, results, or conclusions. Instead, authors should provide an estimate of the time needed to complete the study.
You will be notified about the acceptance of your submission by
October 15th, and will need to confirm participation by
October 30th, which is the early-bird registration deadline for the conference. All participants must be AIB members and register for the conference before they confirm their attendance at the JWB-PDW.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the JWB-PDW! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about it.
Peter Ping Li
JWB Special Issue guest co-editor
University of Nottingham Ningbo China & Copenhagen Business School
Arie Y. Lewin
JWB Special Issue guest co-editor
Duke University
Michael A. Witt
JWB Special Issue guest co-editor