Burning Issues in International Business

webinar sponsored by the

Academy of International Business—Canada and Smith School of Business at Queen’s U

Topic: Women’s Empowerment

The experience of women in emerging markets or women of a visible minority may combine with gender to mitigate or exacerbate inequality. We are interested in learning more about this issue through our upcoming webinar.


Date: Friday, October 14, 12h00-13h00 (Toronto/New York time zone)


The speakers will be:


Tanya van Biesen

Managing Partner, Board & CEO Succession Practice Canada

Korn Ferry



Humberto Carolo

Executive Director

White Ribbon



Shengwen Li

PhD Candidate

Smith School of Business, Queen’s University



Erin Tansey

Director—Sustainable Inclusive Economies

International Development Research Centre

Global Affairs Canada



Event information: https://www.aib.world/event/burning-issues-in-ib-webinar/


Zoom registration: https://aibworld.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pjQq64KJQFmJSZQLRAOSxw




Anthony Goerzen, PhD

D.R. Sobey Professor of International Business

Chair, Academy of International Business—Canada https://aib.msu.edu

Smith School of Business, Queen’s University

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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