

What are the challenges and opportunities to achieving universal healthcare in Africa?


Our sixth virtual event seeks to answer the question; What are the challenges and opportunities to achieving universal healthcare in Africa?

Dunning Africa Centre


Date: Thursday, 06 October 2022


Time: 17:30 - 19:00 (GMT/UTC +2)


Registration: Click here



Join us in conversation with industry experts as we explore... 

What are the challenges and opportunities to achieving universal healthcare in Africa?


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Sub-Saharan Africa has about 11% of the world’s people, but it carries 24% of the global disease burden in human and financial costs, according to UNIDO. Almost half the world’s deaths of children under five take place on the continent. And the situation has only been exacerbated by the pandemic.


Dunning Africa Centre | Hosts

Hosting the webinar are Prof. Rajneesh Narula, DAC Director and Professor of International Business Regulation at Henley UK, and Jon Foster-Pedley, Dean and Director of Henley Business School Africa. They will ask our speakers to weigh in on some key questions including:


What lessons have we learnt from the pandemic? Are there innovative technological solutions to health care, and in a region with limited public resources, what role can – and should – the private sector play?



Dunning Africa Centre  Panellists


Don’t miss out on this important economic discussion at the forefront of African business development. 



In case you missed last month’s DAC webinar…


How will the African Continental Free Trade Area affect investment flows to Africa?

We discussed how the ACfTA has the potential to generate significant economic benefits for African countries and could encourage further FDI into the continent. Who will be the winners and losers as multinationals rearrange their supply chains to take advantage of the new trade agreement? Click here to watch the discussion.



Join us every first Thursday of the month for a new webinar


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Creating a platform for intelligent debate around what really matters for African business. Henley’s Dunning Africa Centre isn’t a place, it’s a continent-wide conversation.


Henley Business School Africa








Henley Business School Africa, Henley Africa Campus, 1 Witkoppen Rd, Paulshof, Johannesburg 2191, 011 808 0860

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