The Journal of Peasant Studies, the Collective of Scholar Activists from the South, TNI and PLAAS announce the international online conference on
Change and Agrarian Justice
Dates: 26-29 September 2022 Time: 13.00 - 15.30 CAT/ CET each day
is now open and free!
In a recently-published essay, ‘Climate
change and agrarian struggles’, members of the JPS editorial collective lay out a preliminary agenda for future work linking climate change to critical agrarian studies. From across a spectrum of scholarly and activist engagements, and in the lead-up to
COP27, we are hosting a series of conversations that speak to how we can build an anti-capitalist, trans-environmental and agrarian approach to confront climate change in rural settings. The full
programme is now available, including both plenary 'keynote conversions' and in depth parallel sessions designed to facilitate maximum discussion and debate.
Keynote Conversations:
Critical Agrarian Studies and the Politics of Climate Change Responses Sept 26th
- Ruth Nyambura, African Ecofeminist Collective, Kenya
- Ian Scoones, Institute for Development Studies, UK
- Myint Zaw, journalist, activist and Goldman Environmental Prize winner, Myanmar
- Antolin Huascar Flores, President of Confederación Nacional Agraria del Perú (CNA), La Via Campesina International
- Chair: Jacobo Grajales, University of Lille, France, Journal of Peasant Studies
Diverse Impacts and Responses to Climate Change in the Rural World Sept 27th
- Natacha Bruna, Observatório do Meio Rural, Mozambique
- Jason Moore, Binghamton University, United States
- Amita Baviskar, Ashoka University, India
- Chair: Ruth Hall, Journal of Peasant Studies & PLAAS, University of the Western Cape
Agrarian Struggles and Resistance - Sept 28th
- Beyza Üstün, HDP Ecology Commission, Turkey
- Diana Aguiar, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil
- Boa Monjane, PLAAS, South Africa/Mozambique
- Chair: Tania Martinez Cruz, CASAS & Université Libre de Bruxelles
Towards Agrarian Climate Justice: Strengthening Alliances for an Anti-Capitalist Approach to Climate Change - Sept 29th
- Diana Ojeda, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
- Mamadou Goïta, Institute for Research on Development Alternatives, Mali
- Kasia Paprocki, London School of Economics, UK
- Katie Sandwell, Transnational Institute, The Netherlands
- Chair: Ricardo Jacobs, Journal of Peasant Studies and University of California, Santa Barbara
Languages: We are making every effort to secure simultaneous translation for Spanish, French and Chinese for plenary sessions. Language interpretation will be confirmed shortly.
Host institutions: Journal of Peasant Studies, Transnational Institute, Collective of Agrarian Scholar-Activists of the Global South, Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies
Conference fee: There is no conference fee.
Twitter: #climateagrarianjustice
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