

*LAC 2023 Conference: Call for Submissions*

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*Navigating Pendular Changes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Adaptation
and Agency in International Business*


*ESPM, São Paulo, 29-31 March 2023*

*The conference and pre-conference will be run entirely face-to-face*

Shifts in the political and socio-economic landscape of Latin America and
the Caribbean (LAC) have revived known challenges to international business
in the region. Examples include higher inflation rates in many economies,
slowing public investment in basic infrastructure, technological
development and higher education, regulatory changes that emphasize the
interests of local stakeholders, and uncertainty regarding the duration of
current higher prices of commodities. These challenges shape the context
within which the actors of international business behave.

Simultaneously, a steadily growing number of firms is able to circumvent or
transcend the region’s challenges through accelerated internationalization,
leveraging technology, and developing associations with partners at
different levels of government, within global value chains, and within
entrepreneurial networks or ecosystems. Moreover, in addition to pursuing
economic results, decision makers show awareness of their role in
addressing ecological, social and governance agendas as they implement
international business strategies.

The LAC region offers a wealth of phenomena that researchers of
international business can explore. However, to do so, researchers will
need to account for the dynamics of adaptation and agency by connecting
levels of analysis and by making innovative use of research methods. To
further our understanding of international business within the region and
beyond, and to contribute to its enhanced practice, we cordially invite you
to present your work at AIB-LAC’s 13th Annual Conference, “*Navigating
Pendular Changes in Latin America and the Caribbean: Adaptation and Agency
in International Business*”. The Conference will be hosted by *ESPM *at its
facilities in *São Paulo *in Brazil, from *29 to 31 March* *2023*.

We would like to highlight a growing interest in the LAC region within the
IB community and strong support for our chapter. Following a joyful
re-encounter at the “AIB-LAC plus AIB” 2022 conference in Miami, we are
happy to share that the 2023 conference features special activities
facilitated by leading scholars and practitioners, including:

●     Prof. *Maria Tereza Leme Fleury*, President elect of the Academy of
International Business (AIB) and Full Professor of International Strategy
at FGV-EAESP, Brazil

●     Prof.* Herman Aguinis*, President of the Academy of Management (AOM),
and Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar and Professor of Management at
George Washington University, United States

●     Prof. *Pervez Ghauri*, Professor and Chair of Strategy &
International Business at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

●     More to be announced *soon*

We cordially invite you to submit your research and proposals for
developmental activities related to the conference theme and international
business in or relevant to the LAC region. The review of manuscripts will
be coordinated by the conference Program Chair *Michel Hermans* (IAE
Business School, Argentina) with support from track chairs. The 2023
Pre-Conference will be chaired by *Elizabeth Moore* (Northeastern
University, USA), and *Silvio Vasconcellos* (ESPM, Brazil) will act as the
Local Host Chair.

*Important Dates*

●     *Full Paper Submission Deadline: 31 October 2022 (23:59, Eastern
Standard Time)*

●     *Submission to the Pre-conference (PDWs and Doctoral Consortium): 30
November 2022*

All submissions will be handled through the AIB online submission system.
Please refer to the detailed submission instructions page for additional
information on how to prepare and submit your submission. Submission system:
<> (download

●     *Communication of Decisions: 12 December 2022*

●     *Gala Dinner: Evening of 31 March 2023*

*Conference Tracks*

We have structured the Conference Tracks as follows:

*1.    **Political, Financial and Economic Environments and Institutions*

Keywords: *Latin America and Caribbean institutional environment;
Institutional voids; Political context; International business policy;
Corporate Political Activity; Development banks and multilateral finance
institutions;  Regional integration; Trade agreements.*

Track Chair: Diego Finchelstein (Universidad de San Andres, Argentina) and
Jacobo Ramirez (CBS, Denmark)

 *2.   Internationalization Strategies and Process*

Keywords: *Global strategy; Regional strategy; Export-based strategy;
Internationalization process; Entry modes; Gradual vs. rapid
internationalization; Early internationalization; Internationalization and
performance; De-internationalization; Re-internationalization; Born-global

Track Co-Chairs: Dinora Floriani (UNIVALI, Brazil) and Guido Rojer
(University of Curaçao)

*3.   Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in International Business*

Keywords: *Business ethics; Reputation; Corporate governance; Corporate
social responsibility (CSR); Sustainable development goals (SDGs); Climate
Change; Transition Risk; Decarbonization; Corporate Sustainability;
Environmental sustainability; Sustainable global value chains (GVCs);
Stakeholder engagement; Shared Value; Economic inequality; Circular economy*

Track Co-Chairs: Miguel Cordova (PUCP, Peru) and Ligia de Azevedo-Rezende
(FGV-EASP, Brazil)

 *4.   International Entrepreneurship and Family Business*

Keywords: *International entrepreneurship; Migrant entrepreneurship,
Transnational entrepreneurship, Diaspora entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial
networks; New venture incubators / accelerators; Start-up programs; Venture
capital;  Family ownership; Family’s local embeddedness vs.
internationalization; Business groups.*

Track Co-Chairs: Indianna Minto-Coy (University of West Indies,
Jamaica); Clarice
Kogut (COPPEAD-UFRJ, Brazil)

*5.   International Marketing and Consumer Research *

Keywords: *Cross-cultural marketing; Advertising; Pricing; Marketing
channels; Distribution channels; Product and service portfolios;
Standardization and adaptation strategies; Brand management; Consumer
behavior; Customer relationships; Customer Experience; Digital marketing.*

Track Co-Chairs: Melanie Lorenz (Florida Atlantic University, USA) and Juan
Carlos Sosa Varela (Universidad Ana Mendez, Puerto Rico)

 *6.   **Innovation, Technology and Supply Chains*

Keywords: *International R&D management; Reverse innovation; Open
innovation; Innovation networks; Digital technology and platforms;
Technology transfer; Replication and imitation; Global production networks;
Global operations; Global sourcing; Outsourcing; Offshoring; Relocation of
production; Nearshoring; Reshoring.*

Track Co-Chairs: Fernanda Cahen (ESPM, Brazil) and Guillermo Dávila
(Universidad de Lima, Peru)

*7.    International HRM, Global Leadership, and Diversity*

Keywords: *Cross-cultural management; International human resource
management; Global leadership; Cross-cultural leadership; Intercultural
competence; Expatriate management; Talent management; International
mobility; Diversity; Race; Ethnicity; Disability; Age; Gender and gender
roles; LGBTQ and transgender issues; Workplace discrimination; Workplace

Track Co-Chairs: Maria Beamond (RMIT, Australia); Roshnie Doon - The
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine (Trinidad and Tobago)

 *8.   Research Methods in International Business*

Keywords: *Data collection; Qualitative research; Quantitative research;
Mixed methods; Ethnography; Interviews; Theory-building; Surveys;
Experiments, Triangulation, Analytical rigor, Methodological rigor;
Meta-analysis; Interdisciplinary research; Methodological innovation;
Equivalence; Reliability; Transparency; Replicability.*

Track Co-Chairs: Juan Velez-Ocampo (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia) and
Madeleine Bausch (Universidad de Chile, Chile)

*9.   Teaching and Learning International Business*

Keywords: *Experiential learning; Developing an IB curriculum;
Internationalizing the business school; Internationalizing the curriculum;
Cross-cultural classrooms; Case teaching; Executive education; Role of
international experience; Simulations and role-playing; Blended learning;
IB teaching tools.*

Track Co-Chairs: Cyntia Vilasboas Calixto Casnici (University of Leeds, UK)
and Karla Maria Nava-Aguirre (UDEM, Mexico).

 *10. Special Focus Track: Foreign Direct Investment from Emerging Market
Economies into the LAC region*

*Over the past two decades, companies from an increasingly diverse range of
countries have invested in the LAC region. Whereas traditional home
countries of FDI include the United States, Germany, metropolitan countries
in relation to their former colonies (e.g. United Kingdom vis-à-vis
Barbados or Jamaica), national interests (e.g. Russia’s vaccine-diplomacy,
China’s need to secure access to natural resources) and the globalization
of companies in specific industrial clusters (e.g. IT services in India;
cybersecurity in Israel) have increased FDI from home countries that were
historically less likely to be sources of FDI into the LAC region. This
track invites submissions that focus on the drivers of FDI from
non-conventional countries, institutional support, firm strategies, and
impact of FDI from non-conventional home countries in host economies.*

*Note:** Accepted papers in this track with a focus on the LAC region or
inward FDI to LAC countries will be eligible to be published as book
chapters in an edited volume published by Palgrave Nature. *

Keywords: *Foreign Direct Investment; Africa; Middle-East; Russia; India;
China; South-East Asia; Israel; Turkey; Economic diplomacy; Home country
orchestration; Host country promotion; Emerging Market Multinationals;
Natural resources; Technology-based Comparative Advantage.*

Track Co-Chairs: Mohamed Amal (FURB/UNIVAL, Brazil) and Armando Borda
(ESAN, Peru)

 *11. Conference Theme Track: Navigating Pendular Changes in Latin America
and the Caribbean: Adaptation and Agency in International Business*

*This Conference theme track welcomes papers that focus on firm behaviors,
reactive and proactive, in light of the historical challenges of Latin
America and the Caribbean. Examples of questions that we would be
interested in are the following. How do the different levels of local
market munificence during the commodities cycle affect firm
internationalization strategies? What is the effect of inflation in home
economies on emerging market multinationals’ financing structures? How do
leaders of internationally operating firms (exports, regional, global)
interact with leaders of populist governments? How do internationalization
strategies that aim to minimize risk (e.g., asset-light, beachhead) affect
the development of organizational capabilities? How does migration of
knowledge workers or star employees to more developed economies affect
business operations and leadership development in Latin America and the
Caribbean? We encourage researchers to use research methodologies that are
less common in international business such as survival analysis, tools from
diffusion research, necessary conditions analysis, ethnographies, and case

Keywords: *Economic cycles; Populism; Commodities; Industrial and corporate
renewal; Internationalization motives; Re-emergence of management tools and
practices; Case studies; Survival analysis; Diffusion research;
ethnography; Case studies.*

Track Co-Chairs: Daniel Friel (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina),
Marcelo Alvarado (Univ of Toledo, USA)

*Conference Host Institution*

For over 70 years, ESPM (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing) hasbeen
recognized for academic excellence in the areas of advertising, marketing,
international relations, and business administration. ESPM programs are
considered among the best in the country, and ESPM alumni are consistently
recruited by top companies and academic institutions in Brazil and abroad.
ESPM faculty are excited to serve as host of the 2023 AIB-LAC annual
meeting and look forward to welcoming you to Sao Paulo.

*Silvio Vasconcellos*, *ESPM, Brazil*, *Conference Host Chair*

*Further Information*

●     AIB-LAC website: <>

●     AIB events website: <>

●     Program Chair: *Michel Hermans*, *IAE Business School – Universidad
Austral, Argentina*

●     Pre-Conference Chair: *Elizabeth Moore*, *Northeastern University,

●     Conference Host Chair: *Silvio Vasconcellos*, *ESPM, Brazil*

●     Chapter Chair: *Jorge Carneiro*, *FGV EAESP, Brazil*

●     Communication Officer: *Diana Bank Weinberg*, *TCU, USA*

●     AIB-LAC social networks:

○     AIB-LAC Facebook:

○     AIB-LAC LinkedIn:

○     AIB-LAC Twitter:

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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