Global Strategy Journal Call for Co-Editor Applications

Nomination Deadline: September 30, 2022

The Strategic Management Society and Wiley are seeking applications for a Co-Editor position at the Global Strategy Journal (GSJ). Please note that SMS strongly recommends applicants be Full Professors to be considered for Co-Editor positions.

This Call for Applications at GSJ reflects the end of terms of Co-Editors Ram Mudambi and Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra. The new Co-Editor of GSJ will be appointed for a renewable three-year term and will assume duties in January 2023. The new Co-Editor will work with continuing Co-Editor Gabriel Benito, who is up for reappointment to a second term, and with one of the departing Co-Editors who will extend their term of appointment by one year to facilitate a smooth transition.

To learn more about the qualifications, criteria, and how to apply, please use

All SMS Co-Editor Applications should be submitted through Submittable, an online web portal that will collect all of the details of the application. If you need assistance with submissions, please contact the SMS Executive Office for support. 

To contact the SMS Executive Office, please email: [log in to unmask].

For technical assistance with the submission process, please contact Submittable Customer Service.


  Professor, International Business and Strategy 

  Northeastern University, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, 360 Huntington Ave, Boston MA 02115, USA 

  Co-editor, Global Strategy Journal  

   [log in to unmask] +1-617-373-6568.

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