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The Ethics of Business, Trade, & Global Governance
Location: Wentworth-by-the-Sea (near Portsmouth, New Hampshire)
Dates: December 2-3, 2022
Proposal Submission Deadline:
August 31, 2022
Submission email:
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Plenary Speaker: Daniel Drezner,
The Fletcher School at Tufts University
The Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Society, in cooperation with the
Department of Finance—University of Vienna and the University of St. Andrews Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance, announces a call for proposals for a conference on the economics, ethics, and governance of global commerce.
We have seen significant economic and political shifts in the last 2+ years with both the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war continuing to change the global
economic and political order. This time of disruption and shifting economic power is an opportunity to reassess debates about, international trade, capital flows and global economic governance. This interdisciplinary conference brings together ethicists, economists,
political scientists, international relations scholars, policy experts, and business leaders to examine the political and economic impact of the events of the last two years. Our central goal is to discuss how economic cooperation, international trade and
investment can be conducted more ethically, as we move from crisis to a new global order.
Suggested topics or questions that a proposal could address include:
International Commerce
- How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected trade and global supply chains?
- What has the Russia-Ukraine conflict revealed about the vulnerability of the global economy (e.g. dependence on oil and natural gas)?
- What changes ought to be made in light of the Russia-Ukraine war (e.g. redristribution of oil and natural gas flows)?
- Who is benefiting economically from trade in this period of war?
- Economic and trade rebalancing - The rise of China and other emerging countries are shifting economic activity. How will this affect trade
and commerce?
- Acceleration of new technologies - New and disruptive technologies are advancing faster than the ability to manage and harness them. Digital
platforms and automation are affecting production, trade, and workstyles: do they necessitate new business models/frameworks?
- Uncertainty - Political and market instability create economic hardship, nationalism, and extremism, increasing risk and uncertainty. What
are the effects on international trade and commerce?
- Demographic Shifts - Emerging and developing economies have younger populations than developed economies. How will these demographic shifts
change trade?
- Do the benefits of portfolio liberalization, in terms of financial deepening, counteract its systemic risks?
- What are the “externalities” of trade or foreign direct investment for democracy, human rights, civil peace, and state autonomy?
- How has the global low interest rate environment affected the viability of exchange rate management?
- How will rising interest rates affect global trade?
- How will big-data affect decision making about trade policy?
- Are economic sanctions an ethical way to protest belligerent countries in military conflicts?
- What ethical norms ought to govern trading with aggressors in a war?
- What are the ethical ramifications of trading weapons? What are the proper limits in trading weapons to countries engaged in war?
- Are economic sanctions an ethical way to protest belligerent countries in military conflicts?
- Are nations right to prioritize their own interests in the global economy, whether in trade or vaccine distribution?
- Is globalization beneficial or detrimental to political communities?
- What are the rights and responsibilities of economic actors engaging in the global economy?
- Does free trade demand the free movement of peoples?
- Do participants in international trade have a responsibility to ensure a more equitable distribution of benefits?
- Should there be a shared responsibility to ensure that trading practices enable sustainable development and the recognition of human rights?
- What responsibilities do multinational firms have to the communities where they do business?
- Is offshoring morally problematic? Is offshoring necessarily part of a free trade system?
- Should nations ensure that they produce essential goods within their own borders?
- Are economic sanctions against nations and/or individual citizens ethically problematic? What are some ethical guidelines that should govern
state actors when imposing sanctions?
Global Governance
- What changes need to be made to global governance systems in light of the Russia-Ukraine war?
- What are the social and political challenges to governing international trade and the movement of global capital?
- What are the respective roles of corporations and governments in determining trade policy?
- Are there advantages to bilateral as opposed to multilateral trade agreements?
- Sustainability and Environmental Degradation - Rising demand is straining supplies of energy, food, water, and other resources. Unrestricted
trade and commerce threaten the land, air, and water, and promote global warming. What national or global mechanisms should be in place to prevent further environmental degradation?
- Who has the authority to make and enforce the rules and laws involved in the global economy?
- How does international trade affect collective bargaining rights across nations?
- What is the relationship between economic development and international trade?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of international organizations in regulating international economic relations?
- Is the WHO’s Covax program an effective vehicle for shared global responsibility in vaccination distribution?
Details for Preparing Proposals:
The conference will take place in person. We will accept proposals for individual presentations, entire panels (3-5 presentations per panel), or academic posters.
- Individual proposals should be submitted in an abstract of no more than 350 words. Individual presentations at the conference will be about
20 minutes.
- Panel proposals should include a proposed title and brief explanation (50-100 words) of the panel along with abstracts for each presentation.
- Poster session proposals should include a proposed title, a research question under investigation, and a bibliography of at least three
sources engaged.
All proposals or questions may be submitted via email to Kyle Hubbard ([log in to unmask]).
Deadlines: Proposals for individual presentations, panels, and roundtable discussions are due
August 31, 2022. All presenters will be required to submit completed papers or posters by
November 18, 2022 (two weeks prior to the conference date). Posters should be attached as a .jpg, .png, or .pdf file.
More Information: The conference is hosted by the Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Society and supported by our
partners at the University of Vienna and the St. Andrews Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance. For more information on the conference, please see the Saint Anselm College Center for Ethics in Society
website (www.anselm.edu/ethics).
Conference Costs:
The regular and student fees include three meals.
- $250-regular
- $75-student
- $50-Friday only (plenary address & hors d’oeuvres reception)
Dina Frutos-Bencze,
Associate Professor, Economics and Business
Fulbright Scholar-UHK-Czech Rep. Fall 2021
Office: Joseph Hall-Room 210
Phone: 603-656-6177
Saint Anselm College
100 Saint Anselm Drive, Box #1692
Manchester, NH 03102-1310