Dear Friends,

The Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research is pleased to invite you to join us for the renowned ACERE Conference that will be hosted by the University of Queensland. For the first time, ACERE 2023 will have personal development workshops from AMR, JBV, and ETP, apart from other news. Please see the call below or follow this link

All the best and see you soon,
Rui Torres de Oliveira 

ACERE is returning to Queensland!

ACERE 2023 will be hosted by the University of Queensland (UQ) and co-organised with the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (QUT).

After two years of being online we are excited to be hosting an in-person conference.

The conference will take place in Brisbane, at the University of Queensland St Lucia Campus on the 8th-10th of February 2023 with preconference events taking place on the 6th and 7th.

The 2023 will keep the best of ACERE (Doctoral Consortium, Educators Forum, Interactive Paper Presentations Panel Discussions, Best Paper Awards & Social Events), continue with the recent edition of the Industry Forum and introduce PDWs with our leading journals.

We are thrilled to announce that Journal of Business VenturingAcademy of Management Review, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice will be running Paper Development Workshops (PDWs) in the lead-up to the conference.

To continue the reach that the online conference of 2021 and 2022 enabled, we will offer a purely online stream of paper presentations to enable participation from delegates who face significant resource constraints preventing them from participating face-to-face in the conference. We will also provide access to the keynote presentations.

Stay tuned for more details on the PDWs, Doctoral Consortium, Educators Forum, Industry Forum and Social Events.

Key dates

Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to announce that the abstract submission portal is now open!

The abstract deadline is 15 September 2022.

Dr Rui Torres de Oliveira, DBA, MBA, Master in Civil Engineering | Leader of the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research |
QUT Business School | Faculty of Business and Law | QUT |
Phone: + 61 7 3138 0475 | Email: [log in to unmask] | CRICOS No. 00213J

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