Dear AIB community,


You are warmly invited to a free GSU-CIBER webinar on “Oceania: international business, geopolitics and engaging with the ocean of our future” on Thursday, September 8th from 4pm to 5:30pm EST/Friday, September 9th from 8am to 9:30am New Zealand time. Register for free here.


The moderated panel will consist of three excellent panelists, experts on and from the region:


We will seek to provide answers to the following questions:




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Matt Raskovic He/him (Google Scholar Profile)
Associate Professor of Int. Business & Strategy
Business School - International Business, Strategy & Entrepreneurship (IBSE)
Auckland University of Technology

Vice-President Marketing at the Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA)

Member of the Academy of International Business Diversity & Inclusion taskforce

Visiting Professor at Zhejiang University, China and University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Selected publications:

1. Takacs Haynes, K. & Raskovic, M. (2021). Living with corruption in Central and Eastern Europe: Social Identity and the Role of Moral Disengagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 174(4), 825-845. (FT 50 journal list).

2. Rose, E. L., Salesa, D., Benson-Rea, M., Raskovic, M. & Osegowitsch, T. (2021). Letter from the Editors: “Engaging with Oceania: some Background about the Region – and Why It Matters for IB Research”. AIB Insights, 21(1).

3. Raskovic, M. & Takacs Haynes, K. (2021). (Re)discovering Social Identity Theory: An Agenda for Multinational Enterprise Internalization Theory. Multinational Business Review, 29(2), 145-165.

4. Raskovic, M.(2021). International business policymaking for a “wicked” world. Journal of International Business Policy (In press).

5. Raskovic, M., Dikova, D. & McDougal-Covin, P. (2020). International business with Central and Eastern Europe: From tyranny of history to revisited laboratories of learning. Journal of Business Research, 108, 417-420.

6. Davies, H. & Raskovic, M. (2017). Understanding a changing China: key issues for business. London & New York: Routledge.


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